
Oh my goodness. I had no idea the giveaway would be so exciting! I’ll try to announce the winner Friday evening, but it might not be until Monday depending on how things shake out.

Anyway, back to our regular programming of making stuff, and I am so so enamored with these little guys. I present you Rose and Bob (K named them – we might need to work on exposing her to more fanciful names).

They were meant to be key chains. I started to cut out the felt and when K saw the inception of a bear shape, she said “Oh, oh, can you make a girl bear and boy bear that are in love? Getting married?” My brain started churning out ideas and I was literally squealing with delight as I was stitching them.

Bob is just shy of 5 inches and Rose stands about 4 1/2 inches tall. I used a combo of cheap-o felt (from all over) and divine wool felt from here.  I added just a wisp of wool batting to give their shape a little more dimension. The bow tie is flannel. Grey! Polka dot! Smitten.

I LOVE that Bob’s bow tie is over-sized. Do you think he needs a jacket? That black belt is supposed to be a cummerbund and not a reference to any martial arts skills that Bob may have.

And Rose, oh Rose…she’s a beauty, this blushing bride. Rose’s silver heels didn’t translate as well as I’d hoped, but I think you get the idea.  K and I are talking about creating a whole set of different scenery/backgrounds for them – how fun would that be? Obviously K adores them and she, like her mother, squealed with delight when she saw them this morning.

They will make a cameo appearance for the Happy Friday outfit tomorrow. Until then, I will leave you with a nugget of a conversation I had with my wise daughter this morning:

Me: It can’t be Thursday! Where did the week go?

K: To California. Or maybe Japan.

I love that.

6 thoughts on “Felties

  1. Oh the cuteness!!

    Your daughter obviously inherited her momma’s crafty, creative side. What fun you will have creating with and for her in the future (as I”m sure you do already). Those are so stinkin’ cute! And oh – the fun in dreaming up new outfits!
    Her comment is too precious. Such a good thing you recorded it for posterity – if you’re like me whose memory ain’t what it used to be!

    1. I’m with you on the memory not being what it used to be. I often find myself standing in the middle of a room wondering what I was supposed to do!

  2. Ha ha, I think Bob and Rose are perfect names! They are definitely adorable little bears. The oversized polka dot tie is deefinitely my favorite part. So hmmm I think they’re fantastic as is, but a coat for Bob and an oversized bouquet for Rose might put them over the top. Looking forward to your Friday outfit!

    1. I was definitely going to make a bouquet – I’m thinking that suspenders would take Bob to the next sartorial level. K has also requested a baby bear, so another super mini outfit to contemplate!

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