I've wanted to be a legit knitter for decades. I'd dive in with great enthusiasm, clacking away with bamboo needles to create a lap blanket or scarf or -- misguidedly -- a sweater, only to realize that I am unable to keep track of stitches for some mysterious reason. I would watch in horror as my project morphed into something entirely different from what I'd planned, would get super confused when consulting books and videos and then...I'd give up. Inevitably, autumn would roll around again, and …
2024 Free Printable Holiday Tags
Hello, my friends! Just stopping by to let you know that I designed a few simple and cute (and free!) printable tags for you. I am, at the moment, feeling pretty rough and under the weather. All I know is that it's not COVID, but it's tenacious. I wasn't sure if I'd get these tags done this year, and as always I had such ambitions. Ohhhhh....my perennial ambitions. But as Buddha says (or at least I think it was Buddha), "Enough is a feast," and I'm going to call these sweet ones good …
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, now. You may be wondering just how many times I can possibly post images of handmade booties/slippers, and the answer is: infinitely. Especially when they're adorably miniaturized like these. I did it, my friends. I finished teaching my last class of the year, which included a quick overview of how to make these cuties shown above. If there is interest, I can sell the pattern and tutorial on my shop? Let me know. I've also been working on a couple of books this year and those are …
The Last Hurrah of Events and Classes
Happy Halloween! This month got away from me!! I’ve done zero to engage in the Hallow’s Eve spirit, but this sort of pumpkin colored pair of winter booties could be part of an elfin costume, maybe?? Well, by the time my class for these cuties start on November 7th (next week!) Halloween will be a distant memory, but that’s okay. I’m super excited about this special virtual 3-session class that I’ll be teaching in collaboration with Tatter Blue Library. It’s a spin-off of the summer slip one …
Autumnal Check-In and Classes!
Aaaaah, it’s autumn! My favorite. I’ve enjoyed my summer break from blogging and social media-ing, but I’ve missed aspects of them too. How are you? This weekend, my little family will fly out to Chicago to drop off K — now 18-years-old — and we are all full of big, big feelings. I am excited for her. I think back to my own first days at UCLA, how I started my journaling habit almost 35 years ago in a little coffee shop tucked into the corner of a weathered campus building. 18-year-old Sanae …