A few months ago, I went to the Folk Life festival for the first time. It's a music and street food bonanza and a friend was performing so K and I braved the heavy traffic and navigated our way toward the Exhibition hall. A swish and a loud collective gasp from a crowd stopped us in our tracks, and there, standing in the middle, was a juggler. Now, I'm no juggling expert, but this guy was something special. First of all, he was dressed like Hansel from Grimm's Fairy Tale (or at …
furoku membership
Happy Friday + Monthly Income(s)
Happy Friday! As promised, I am continuing with the monthly income reports. M, K and I are, as I type this, frantically packing up for a last-minute super budget camping trip (how is it that all our trips are last-minute?) so I'm keeping this short and to the point. My income continues to be mainly through the Furoku membership though I've unexpectedly sold a couple of pinafore/bloomers patterns via email. I tend to give more nitty gritty details about book sales and behind the scenes …
Monthly Income + Furoku Update
I'm in a bit of a quandary. In putting together the monthly income report, I scrutinized the number and a self-conscious part of me thought it might be better not to announce what may seem like a piddling sum, though this sum represents so much goodness to me. The goal, if you recall, is to see if I can generate an income of at least $20,000 a year doing what I love. It doesn't seem like an improbable financial goal, does it? I mean, if I became a Dick's Drive-In employee (purportedly Bill …
Limiting Beliefs + Monthly Income Report + Furoku Membership Sign-up
The husband tells me that I have a Teflon shield of hope and optimism. He says that this is both my greatest strength and my Achilles' heel. "You're too optimistic," he advises, "you need to be more realistic." What does that mean, being "realistic"? I've been thinking about that a lot. In many ways, it seems to me to be another word for limiting beliefs. Or a way to make sure you hold your hopes in check to avoid disappointment. To remain caged, as it …
Monthly Income Report + Furoku Membership Sign-ups
Before I go into my monthly income report, I've received several emails from people wanting to join the Furoku membership, so as promised, I'm opening it up again! I find it mind-boggling and buoying and humbling that folks are willing to travel with me on this admittedly undefined and slapdash adventure of mine. To sum up what was part of last month's furoku, I receive the loveliest of comments from Kay: Dear Sanae, I received my first furoku and am totally delighted! Frankly, …