Happy Friday + Randomness


It’s been one of those frenetic weeks, and I’m so happy it’s Friday. You know what else makes me happy? When K calls me into her room to show me the above. Those are cool pop beads that I got for her when she was a baby and she still plays with them.

Trick-or-treating was awesome. M, K and I met up with some friends and the kids descended upon neighborhood houses with the kind of energy that only a promise of unlimited sugar can produce. The loot was impressive, though I’ve squirreled most of it away to avoid a dental emergency outbreak. It’s time to take down the fake cobwebs, put away the pumpkins and costumes and to start thinking about this year’s advent calendar! Last year’s was such a hit, it might be hard to top that one.

In other news, I’ll be teaching another class at Drygoods in December! I’ll have more details next week for local folks who might be interested…


Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and see you on Monday – I have a fun outfit to share!

Happy November
Don’t forget that this Sunday
Daylight savings ends*

*If you’re in an area that observes it, that is. Thank goodness – it’s been pitch black in the mornings here in Seattle!

4 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

  1. We have those same pop beads! They are the gift that keeps on giving, as we’re going on a few years as well. And could she have spelled out a sweeter message?! (love her “o’s”)
    I’m so excited about your Monday outfit, as I just came here from Compagnie M’s site and saw her pattern blog tour schedule:) Yay you! I Very excited to see your version:)
    Was the owl costume a hit? Did everyone marvel over the intricately cut feathers and cleverly designed mask? Or was the focus purely on the sugar?:)

    1. Those pop beads rock! Love ’em. And the swing skirt is SO cute, it’s killing me. I finished it by the skin of my teeth…

      The costume was a huge hit! The parents were very complimentary, and K’s friends petted her feathers from time to time while trick-or-treating 🙂

    1. Ah, the pressure’s on, Rhonda. K loved that calendar so much she’s asking me daily when
      I’ll start making the next one!

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