Happy Friday + Randomness

Happy Friday! That little illo up there is something I did ages ago, but thought it had a bit of a retro feel to go with my giveaway. And the winner of the retro fabrics and Lotta book is…#5, Liza Jane!

She said: “I can turn any song into a song about my cat at the drop of a hat. My current fave is the one I sing in the tune of the scooby doo song.” Awesome talent! Congrats Liza Jane, you should have received an email from me already.

Here are a few of my favorite comments, though they are all wonderful and I was impressed with all the unique talents (and so many made me laugh out loud!):

Carla: “I am a decent flamenco dancer and a slightly better than okay synchronized swimmer, both extremely valuable talents in day to day life ;)

Karen: “My secret talent is that since I started practicing yoga I can do a full split for the first time in my life. Shh, don’t tell anyone because then people on the street will come up and ask me to do one and it just gets sooo embarrassing.”

Marisa: “I’m also the proud owner of a ‘Lego Master Builder’s Certificate’ which I got in a lego-building competition some thirty-three years ago, an achievement I often boast about to my children.”

Oona: “I make wicked goat noises.”

Monica: “Hmmm…my secret talent would have to be replicating make-up tutorials I find on the internet, which is funny since most days I’m lucky to apply moisturizer and stay in my pajamas. The best is when I do up a dramatic smokey eye and stay in the pj’s. It’s a lovely look :)

And the talent I most wish I had is Claudette’s: “I can retell almost any story and make it funny. Does little for me in real life but I’m a hit at parties and boring staff meetings :)“.

Finally, I was amazed with Maria’s talent: “I can have premonitory dreams. Sometime events happen exactly as I dreamed them, sometimes just parts of them.” Wow.

Thanks for playing everyone – you’re all so fun!


I got misty-eyed after this exchange yesterday…

K: [Getting out of the car as I’m dropping her off at school] I’m going to start calling you ‘Mom’ instead of ‘Mommy’, ’cause I’m a big girl now. Bye!*

*Wait, I’m not ready!! I still want to be called Mommy!


Have a lovely weekend, friends! Leaving you with the weekly haiku:

Giveaways are fun
I get more from them than you
Your comments all rock

5 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

  1. That growing up thing is hard for us mommies! This week has been been especially bittersweet as I watched my son graduate from middle school and my daughter finish elementary school (middle school starts in fifth grade here). I hope K slips a few times and still calls you “mommy” – she will have no idea how happy it makes you:)
    Those are some great talents you shared . . . good incentive to develop some unique ones of my own:)

  2. I didn’t know there were schools that started middle school in the 5th grade! And how momentous to have a high schooler in your household, Lucinda! I tell you, this growing up business is emotional…I’m happy to report though that K promptly forgot about her statement and has been calling me mommy again :-). Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Lovely illustration. And I’m glad to hear you’re still ‘mommy’. My almost-9-year-old has recently stopped calling me ‘mama’ and started calling me by my name, usually spoken in an insolent tone. I’m not at all happy about it!

    1. Oh, I can already tell K will do the same thing when she’s older. I went through a very brief period of calling my mom by her first name, but it lost the allure when she didn’t seem to mind at all 😉

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