Happy Friday! I’ve been working on some papercuts for a friend, and this one is my favorite of all the ones I’ve made to date. Two down, one more to go.
K and I have been having some conversations about exercise:
K: Mommy, which sports are you good at?
Me: Well, I played tennis in high school…
K: No, I mean now.
Me: Oh. I don’t know, I haven’t played sports in a long time…
K: Yes you do! You’re really good at sewing and that’s a sport*!
*The frenzied way I sew must look like an athletic event to her – or maybe it’s because she’s caught snippets of Project Runway.
Speaking of Project Runway, here’s K’s take on it:
K: Mama, do you know why they call the show “Project Runaway”?
Me: What? What’d you say?
K: Project Runaway. It’s because the models run away with the clothes after the fashion show. [Here she struck a model pose then ran away, clutching at an imaginary skirt and looking furtively behind her]
Have a happy weekend, friends! Thank you so very much for all the lovely and wonderfully generous comments as always! Signing off with a three-verse haiku:
This blog I call mine
crafted oft in solitude
I live in my mind
I know it seems like
I just whine about my flaws
But no, I sew too
Then it just hits me:
a sense of community
a flood of kindness
That paper cut is very pretty! I love that K thinks of sewing as a sport and I think she is right! It can feel like a sport sometimes especially during KCW 😉
Your haiku is lovely as well. Your blog post about body image really spoke to me the other day. I have a lot of the same feelings that you have and think that you are very brave to post about them. I am very inspired by that post and all the lovely comments that fellow readers left. As women, I think we tend to be harder on ourselves than we need to be. I too am thankful for this community of bloggers I have discovered. It is nice to know there are other women out there with the same passion for creating and the same feelings about putting yourself out there that I have.
I look forward to seeing more of the clothing you create for yourself. The shirt yesterday was fabulous!
Thank you for your lovely comment, Meghan! And you’re totally right, sewing DID feel like a sport during KCW 🙂 Hooray for this fantastic community!
The papercut is amazing! Talk about talent and serious patience. A community indeed… we’re here for each other and NO, you don’t whine! Our minds (well I can speak for myself) can be a beautiful place *sigh*, I sometimes wish I could just stay there a little longer… 😉
OH, I went last night to look for that McCall’s pattern and they were out of my size.*UGH* A swap?! YES, please!!!!
Thanks Venus! I do like living in my mind as well, it’s true…
Bummer that the store was out of the pattern – it’s probably worth waiting for one of those 99 cent sales. I’m keeping my eye out for the next one.
We’ll have to figure out a good swap 🙂
Don’t forget Team Art! You’d be in the papercut Olympics if there was one.
I love the thought of a paper cut Olympics! Sadly, I wouldn’t qualify – I would imagine the Olympians would be everyone from here: http://www.designsponge.com/2013/02/25-amazing-papercut-artists.html
Best haiku ever.
My first love – even before fabric – was paper and all things related. Would make trips down to Seattle/Bellingham as often as possible to visit their paper stores. (though Vancouver has a great one on Granville Island . . . have you been able to visit there yet?). Your paper cut is gorgeous. Such intricacy! Your lucky friend:)
And as always, thoroughly enjoyed the latest K’s anecdote. She is such a delight!
I definitely have a soft spot for paper in all its forms and functions too, Lucinda! I still haven’t made it to Vancouver this year – it’s on my summer to-do list though. Have a wonderful weekend!
Love that papercut. How do you get all the tiny detail? Very patient cutting?
A very, very sharp Exacto knife…I never plan out my papercuts so I just keep slicing away bits wherever it feels too “solid” if you know what I mean. The one drawback of paper cutting is that my hand gets super sore!
What a work!!! That must take you hours!!!. Remember doing some paper cutting when I was a child and created this Christmas cards business and one of my “designs” were cut outs and in the back of the paper I did glue some color tissue paper, like a stained glass window. I did sell quite a lot of them :P. I think that Christmas all my family receive the same kind of card.
K’s comments are hilarious, the runaway one just made my evening! just brilliant. Have a good weekend Sanae, I will go to bed with your haiku words in my mind. Thanks!
Thank you! Yes, these do take quite a bit of time, but mostly because I have to take lots of breaks. You should see the callous on my finger! You sound like you were a delightfully enterprising child, Maria 🙂 I bet your cards were so charming!
I wish one day I can get free papercut from you, Sanae! haha! joking…
I did it last time, made some pop up cards. But I don’t have much patience like you. I did it just for fun only, not really passionate. Your is very details, beautiful artworks as always! K is cute and smart girl, she’s right about your “sport”. So what are you making this weekend, look forward to seeing it on Monday. Happy weekend too, Sanae!
Haha! I actually might do a giveaway of one of my papercuts soon 🙂 I love pop-up cards and recently checked out a book from the library on how to make them. I have yet to try it though…
Lovely. Your haiku. Oh and the paper cut too! But I love the haiku.
Thank you, Asmita! You know, I felt silly writing my haikus when I first started, but now I look forward to creating one every Friday 🙂 So glad you like it.
I am also a frenzied sewer! Sometimes I sew standing up to try to fend off little babe from my sewing cabinet whilst mid garment!!
So funny Suz! I have such a vivid image of that in my mind now 🙂 I find myself telling an impatient K all the time, “just one more seam, honey. Just let me sew one more seam…”
HA! I can totally relate to this, my son is one and is constantly pulling at my cords, pushing the cord to my machine, and causing me to do some frenzy-full sewing as well.
Wow sanae, how did you get into paper cutting? You have so much talent it’s got to be contagious (if so, can you sneeze by me or something cause that’s a sickness I WANT to catch lol). I am so interested in how you came to learn this art, I have heard such little about it before becoming a follower. I hope you will continue to post your creations and possibly give us a little more insight into that part of your life. <3
Thank you, Mae! I’ve been making paper crafts since I was a kid, but I made my first papercuts about five years ago for an art show. They were really tiny, but immensely satisfying. I’ll be sure to post more work as I create them 🙂
awesome papercut! I’ve never done anything like that, but I’ve been enjoying making some stencils for tee shirts I’ve made lately. Makes me want to whip out that new exacto knife I’ve got and start cutting things out of cardstock!
Thanks Tara! Your goggles stencil tee was sheer brilliance! I need to get in on the stenciling action.