O Spring, O Ba-chan

Strange weather yesterday – pouring rain in the morning, a brief cameo appearance of magnificent sun and warmth, then back to rain. The last of the cherry blossoms in our yard look so festive.

K and a friend picked wildflowers (and weeds) and I am in love with this little bouquet.

Ba-chan (“grandma” in Japanese aka my mom) is here! K wanted me to create a check-list in preparation yesterday. My daughter, so much like me. That’s her writing in the top image and she also supplemented my list in green in the bottom image. It was a late night flight, so K was excited to go to the airport in her jammies. That orange plate? K painted it and gifted it to Ba-chan.

O spring, O Ba-chan. So happy you’re here.

4 thoughts on “O Spring, O Ba-chan

  1. Oh, such spring loveliness today! Those flowers – even from this distance – make my heart happy. We have had 5 days of rain and grey (reminding me of my days living in Vancouver!) and it’s good to see that spring has arrived somewhere.
    Glad your mom arrived safely yesterday. Loved K’s gift for Bachan – what a sweet granddaughter:) Also loved reading K’s little additions to your list . . . esp. the reminder to not forget her snack:)

    1. Ironically, it’s the only thing we didn’t do on the list! It didn’t matter though since K was SO happy to see Ba-chan – they are like two peas in a pod, those two.

  2. Enjoy! C’s grandma is flying in from Honolulu tomorrow evening… She is beyond excited. (“Mommy, how many days, hours, and seconds until grandma gets here?”) 😉

    1. Fun!! Grandma visits during spring break are the best! K was the same way with Ba-chan and couldn’t contain her excitement. Hope C gets lots of quality grandma time!

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