Happy Friday + Monthly Income(s)


Happy Friday! As promised, I am continuing with the monthly income reports. M, K and I are, as I type this, frantically packing up for a last-minute super budget camping trip (how is it that all our trips are last-minute?) so I’m keeping this short and to the point.

My income continues to be mainly through the Furoku membership though I’ve unexpectedly sold a couple of pinafore/bloomers patterns via email. I tend to give more nitty gritty details about book sales and behind the scenes information through the monthly Furoku deliveries.

So. My June 2015 income was: $508.86 and July 2015 income was $524.22. Are you seeing the slow but incrementally upward trend? This brings our grand total from March 2015 to 2,389.09. Although all bets are supposedly off in terms of trying to reach $20,000 by the end of the year, I’m holding onto the goal to have something concrete to work toward. My little money-making fish is swimming against the tide with determination. I keep reminding myself that I am still in the beginning stages and am juggling multiple projects that will bear more fruit down the line. I have to remind myself a lot.

OK, I’m being called to figure out how to cram in sleeping bags into the backpacks. I hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful weekend and if all goes well and I don’t get eaten by a bear, see you back here on Monday!

To Dororthy Lake
We go with trepidation
K’s first camping trip

P.S. I’m still working on figuring out the sidebar thing, but here’s the Furoku sign-up just in case there’s more interest out there:


Email address (to get furoku):
Full Name



4 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Monthly Income(s)

    1. I actually don’t have it available for sale anywhere, but several people have contacted me directly wanting to purchase the digital pattern. Once I’m done with book #2, I’m going full force with a little online shop! Thank you, Kathryn!

  1. Now that the $20,000 monkey is off your back, do you think it is really positive to hang on to this type of goal?

    If you ‘only’ make $17,000, you won’t be discouraged?

    If you make $20,000 by Christmas, you won’t become demotivated after having met your goal?

    I only ask this because financial returns can be so unpredictable with creative work. For example, how much do you think the writer/publisher of ‘Goodnight Moon’ has earned? And you could probably have put that book together in a couple of days. There are probably thousands of books that are as good or better that haven’t made 1% of the income of ‘Goodnight Moon’.

    1. Good points, Paul! It’s uncanny because I’ve been asking myself the same questions…why am I holding onto it? What purpose is it serving? Is it more detrimental than beneficial? Why am I being so weird? I don’t know. Part of it is that I declared it publicly and even though the agreement has changed, I still somehow feel beholden to that sum. Maybe part of it is me wanting to show my husband that it’s possible to do this because he keeps telling me it’s impossible. I’ll have to ponder some more.

      And you’re right. Who knows why some creative endeavors succeed commercially and others don’t? I’m very proud of my books, and I would have worked on them even if I knew for certain that I wouldn’t make a dime (which is actually quite common for books).

      Thank you for your considered and thought-provoking comments as always. Better go find that thinking cap of mine — I might possibly need an upgrade. 🙂

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