My 8-Year-Old Fashionista


A few weeks ago, my mom sent K a box filled with thrifted animal print clothes. Dresses, skirts, jackets, scarves, lingerie (??), hair bands, and even a backpack, though I don’t think a lot of it is meant for kids. Needless to say, K belted out a yelp of joy, and since then she’s worn nothing but outfits from that box (except for the lingerie, which is all sorts of wrong on multiple levels).

It’s a sight to behold. From head to toe, she’s generally decked out in spots and tiger stripes, and she looks as though an inspired scientist decided to create the ultimate big cat hybrid. The leg warmers up there weren’t part of the package, but they were also a gift from my mom when she last visited. They are worn frequently. Simpatico they are, those two.

As you might have guessed, this profound and torrid love affair that K is having with all things animal print is throwing me for a loop. Once she identifies her thing, she’s all in, no holds barred. I’ve maxed out on the number of feline-fur-patterned outfits I can pump out, and really, I’m wary to add anymore to her already over-the-top collection. So I’m going to patiently wait for the linen phase to start. What’s that? You don’t think it’ll ever happen either? Sigh. I think some millenial version of goth fashion might be next.

What you see in the image above are her utmost faves from the box (I’ve started to italicize it in my mind). I was going to take a photo of K wearing all of them at once as she often does, but…well, it’s a lot to take in. Did you ever have that? Some fashion item or print you just couldn’t get enough of? I seem to recall going through a big head-to-toe denim phase…

It’s officially spring break! I have minimal childcare this week, so I’ll be focusing on having fun with K and posts may be going up later than usual. Happy spring!

25 thoughts on “My 8-Year-Old Fashionista

  1. Your Mom should definitely guest post on your blog or start her own. I am always amazed at her ability to turn things into something else! It would be so fun to follow her around for a day and see her checking out her shops.

    1. My mom has a nose for good bargains and it would be very educational to follow her around, I think! You know, she used to have a blog but stopped it for some reason…but a guest post is something to ponder though Japanese is her first language so it would have to be an image-based post! Thanks, Greta :-).

  2. My nana used to buy me underpants from Marks and Spencer and post them for my birthday. Second hand animal print underwear is something else entirely! 🙂
    Wait it out. Surely it will be, like, that’s so last month mom soon enough.

    1. Oh, I’m sure that animal print will be passe in a matter of minutes, or so I thought. It’s been a few months now, and her love isn’t waning…and to be fair, the “lingerie” is a relatively non-sleazy slip, but it’s definitely for a grown-up. 🙂 Love that your nana sent you underpants by post!!! Now, that’s awesome.

  3. I’m loving those animal print jackets! I wore head-to-toe green in kindergarten, circa 1980. I even had an “Annie” dress in green. I don’t know where the fascination came from, but I do still love the color.

    1. Ooh, an Annie dress! That must have been adorable and I bet your fashion statement came in handy for St. Patrick’s Day ;-), Cassandra – I always forgot to wear green and got pinched!

    1. I never knew so many types of animal print existed and when they’re combined it’s…indescribable. Thanks, Saskia!

  4. I have one into zebra stripes and animal print. Although mine have not gone back to linen… knit is the buzzwords around here. If I make anything that isn’t stretchy (unless it’s pants) it really doesn’t get worn. I can’t say that I blame them! 🙂

    1. Oh yes, zebra print’s big around here too. And you’re totally right about knits. She’s barely glanced at anything I’ve made that isn’t made out of some sort of jersey. I really need to find cuter knit patterns…Thanks, Kristi!

  5. I can just imagine your mom having a ball searching for these animal themed prints! They are great and K is a lucky girl!

    Enjoy your Spring Break!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! My mom is a pro thrifter, and she herself is a HUGE animal print fan, so she’s been accumulating stuff for years!

  6. She’s such a bold little person!! My phases were much more embarrassing and inconsistent, like wearing gym shorts and flip flops all year round in high school or Britney Spears style jeans with an exposed midriff in college. (Even if K never starts that linen phase, I love your taste and am currently swathed in a piece I made from one of the fabrics you gave me!)

    1. I’m trying to imagine the Britney Spears look on you — you’re so Isabel Marant now, it’s a stretch for my brain! And yay, glad the fabric is getting some use!! Thanks Morgan, and hope to see you soon!

  7. That is so awesome :). If it makes you feel better, I wore a propeller hat for a full year of my life as a child. I can remember that it even embarrassed my mom.

    1. Oh, I love it!!!! Where does one get a propeller hat? I must get my hands on one – K would die! Hope all is well, Liza Jane!

  8. Hi Sanae,

    i love this! It’s hillariuos! I used to stick to neutrals all the time and just recently start to wear some pastel colors like light apricot or light, soft green. i have one shirt with a flower print (very harmless!) but that’s it. Only exception are stripes. a love me a navywhite Breton-Shirt or a classic striped button down. So no experiments or fashionista over here …


    1. I’m in your camp, Marit! For muslin/drafting purposes, I’ve been using all the garish fabric my mom has given me these past few weeks, and they’re practically blinding me! Of course, K saunters over and say “oooh, pretty Mama!”

  9. My grown (now fireman) son would wear his Ninja Turtle Halloween costume every day when he was about 6-7. He would run home from school and change into it. And on the weekends I never got him out of it. He would take a bath and then put it right back on. It was threadbare and nasty and no amount of washing it would get it clean. His two older sisters nagged him constantly (with “three” mothers one would wonder why he is not in therapy) but no amount of harassment would stop him. I think it took a year for him to outgrow that costume and move on to…A NINJA! Yes the following Halloween he picked a Ninja and the cycle started again. I did have to remind his sisters that they wore Princess dresses and Wonder Woman costumes to play in but they reminded me it was not 24/7. Thankfully they are all grown and have their own kids running around in their costumes. I had a good laugh as I pulled in my daughter’s driveway a couple of days ago and the 3 year old came running out to greet me with his Hulk hands and Captain America cape but could not get the phone camera out in time to snap a picture. He never stands still long enough!

    1. Too funny Karen! Your son is clearly a loyal, loyal human being committed to his signature style :-). Hip hip hooray for kids that are unapologetically themselves!

  10. I can see why K loves your mom so:) Two peas in a pod, those two! I laughed at your “waiting for the next linen phase” – we sewing moms can only wish! I’ve given up on my 11 yr old and pleasing her with my sewing preferences, but always had my 6 yr old to show appropriate appreciation. But now that she recently turned 7, even that’s becoming hit and miss and I’m afraid the “linen phase” (or chambray, or blue/white/grey stripes) ship has sailed. What a sewing mom to do?
    So glad you’re spending some quality mommy/daughter time during K’s spring break. And hopeful that things with book #2 won’t get in the way of enjoying this week and making fun memories:) Enjoy!

    1. They are very much two peads in a pod! It’s striking how similar their tastes are. And yes, it’s a challenge when we start having fashion battles…of course, K’s got the upper hand since she talked me into buying yet another cheetah print knit jersey that was on sale today. 😉 Spring break is going great, though I’m sneaking in a lot of book work too ;-). Thanks, Lucinda!

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