Giveaway: Cute Fall Fabrics! [CLOSED]


Good morning! So. The first order of business now that the book is 99% done (at least in my mind) is absolutely critical: cleaning. I am, by nature, a neat and tidy person, but for the last few months I’ve really let the house go to pot. It’s ugly, folks.

The disarray has been steadily driving me crazy and probably had some impact on my productivity, but I tried my very best to choose taking care of my health via food and exercise and spending time with people over laundry or vacuuming when I wasn’t working. I made dinner most nights, dishes got done daily and bills got paid on time, so I felt like a champion despite the ever-increasing dust giants.

It’s a huge relief to finally tackle the mess. I’m planning yet another massive purge, and I’m getting my feet wet with a little bit of fabric elimination. I have about a yard of the adorable animal print flannel above and according to the selvage, it’s “Urban Flannel by Valori Wells for Free Spirit.” The scale of the print is quite large, and I think this would make a lovely baby blanket.


I also have about a yard of this darling floral corduroy that I purchased at JoAnn’s several years ago. I meant to sew up a back-to-school, first grade dress for K, but I had opted to go with polka dots instead and forgot all about this corduroy until yesterday. I figure that if I haven’t felt compelled to sew with it for 3 years, it’s unlikely to ever happen.

Anyone interested? To enter the giveaway, I’d love to hear about something you’re proud to have accomplished. It could be something seemingly small (unloading the dishwasher this morning, say) or something admittedly massive (climbing Mount Everest, perhaps?). All accomplishments should be celebrated, don’t you think? I obviously feel extremely proud and elated to have reached this point today, and I can’t tell you how appreciative I am of all the wonderfully encouraging comments, emails, pattern testing help, care packages, and so much more that I’ve received over the last year as I plodded away at the book. But making a dent in the gargantuan laundry pile in the last week has felt just as significant. Maybe that’s weird, I have no idea.

The giveaway will stay open until this Friday, October 23rd, and I’ll announce the winner on Monday. Internationals entries are always welcome! Good luck!




Happy Friday + Randomness


Happy Friday! Above are my poor, poor neglected serger (left) and sewing machine (right). Did you know that you can use a regular old sewing machine cover for your serger too? The pear print is what could be considered a vintage Kokka linen/cotton blend — I made that cover for my very first Singer sewing machine back in 2007 or so. I adore that fabric. The cover on the right was a potential book project (it has multiple pockets), but it didn’t make the cut.

Good news: final illustrations for the book are COMPLETE. I still have a couple of extremely minor things to turn in before I can call it a wrap, but the illustration portion was huge (over 300 files!). Now that I’ve become a little familiar with this process, I’ve given myself a few days to relax after the milestone. I’m going to ease back into my beloved routines and ever so slowly ramp up. I can tell I’m doing the right thing because I haven’t gotten sick at all. Both K and M have been under the weather, sadly, but I’ve been hearty enough for both of them to handle care-taking duties.

So I’m off to revel in this feeling of accomplishment for a bit before channeling my energy into a new phase that I’m excited about. I hope you all have a great weekend, and I’ll see you some time next week!

What shall I sew first?
A costume for K, perhaps?
Or maybe for me…


Happy Friday + Randomness


I did not make my deadline. This was a colossal bummer since I’d told everyone and their pets that I would be officially fini with all book brouhaha by October 5th (even the barista at my regular coffee shop haunt greeted me with a high five on The Day). I was technically done — of course, I’m using the words “technically done” very loosely here — on Monday, but then I kept finding mistake after mistake. It killed me, but I asked for an extension. Again. I used to pride myself on keeping my word and meeting deadlines, but them’s bygone days it seems…Each time I don’t hit a deadline, a little part of me withers, but I’m very lucky that the lovely folks at my publisher are wonderfully accommodating. So I am still, still hunkered down, painting and illustrating. It’s the last big hurdle of the book process for me and for reasons beyond my understanding, I keep complicating things by trying to get fancy when simple is always best.

Some of what you see above may end up as decorative elements, we’ll see.

Alright. Even my mom has stopped reading my blog, so I’m quite certain I’m yammering on to an audience of about 3 people at this point — no matter. It’s funny how I noticed that I’d been feeling jittery and as though something was sorely lacking, and then I realized I’d let yet another week go without updating here. As soon as I snapped a photo and started typing, I felt a curious release of tension, a decompression. Relief. That’s what it was. I suppose there are worse things to be addicted to than blogging.

I’m so looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. Soon, soon!

My haiku brain’s stalled
Just coming up with this one
felt herculean

Have a wonderful weekend!



Happy Friday + Randomness


Happy Friday! I was going through some of my old photos, and I found this image I’d snapped of a cardboard sign someone had tacked up near a construction site. It’s an iphone shot, so it’s not stellar in quality but the message more than makes up for it, don’t you think? I had an interesting conversation with a couple of friends the other day about how the internet’s anonymity seems to breed meanness. I wonder what kind of world it would be if the philosophy above was widespread on and offline? Now that’s where I want to live.

It looks like it’ll be one more week of posting just once, but then, THEN, I’m back to regularly scheduled programming! I’m beside myself with anticipation.

So I’m keeping it brief to give me maximum work time, and I’ll be back with so much to say soon-ish!!

Hello October
Fancy seeing you so soon
Need costumes pronto

P.S. Furoku members, #7 has been sent! Please check your promotions or spam folders if you don’t see it.