Happy Friday! I did it!! I submitted the entire manuscript for book #2 yesterday afternoon, and I am zonked. I've been getting up extra early in the mornings in an attempt to capitalize on my brain power (I've learned that I can't function after 4pm anymore...aging, it's a topic that's taking up a big chunk of mental space these days. I feel the urge to start talking about Pinochle and I don't even know what that is). I have to send out a HUGE shout out to all the pattern testers -- personal …
Archives for June 2015
LK Dolls
Have you seen the latest issue of STYLO yet? So, so good. And did you happen to see the ninja, samurai and bunny dolls? Yep, I whipped them up and submitted a tutorial and pattern that can be downloaded from STYLO. I drew the characters in Adobe Illustrator and then created pattern pieces by pulling apart my drawing below: They're quite small and a lot of fun to make and several kiddos in my life have been especially coveting the pet bunny doll (one girl tried to sneak off with …
Monday Outfit: A Nod to Nautical
Good morning! At long last, I have a K outfit to share...I've really missed making things for her, and sewing this maritime-y dress felt like easing into a lively conversation with a long lost friend. It's been many, many weeks since I've stitched up anything for K. Has she been pining for new outfits? Nope, it hasn't bothered her one whit, and she's merrily clad herself in animal print from top to bottom daily. The big news, however, is that a little someone is now braces-free. Her teeth …