Styling: Rachel Grunig Photo: Manuela Insixiengmay Happy almost August, everyone! So many big events are happening, the biggest of which is that K is turning sixteen this weekend. The image above is an outtake from my book Sewing Love, launching on August 23rd. Look how grown-up and beautiful she is! K's been in every one of my sewing books, and it's quite emotional for me to see the progression. I adore this image from Sewing Happiness, when she was a darling seven-year-old: …
Books! Books! Books! Pre-Order Time!
Hello, my friends! It's a crazy thing, but I have three books launching in a few weeks. All three are available for pre-orders now, and I am beyond excited to share the covers with you today! Snag your copies early! First up is the one above: Sewing Love: Handmade Clothes for Any Body. My editor called it my "magnum opus," which is high praise though I suspect she's being too kind, as she generally is. I was delighted by the review in Publishers Weekly that called the book "uplifting" …
Life Goals: 13,000 Books
Hello, hello, my friends! How are you? I'm doing well. I have a birthday coming up soon, so I've been reflecting on life more than usual. I've been thinking a lot about what inspires me. One recent and great inspiration is the author Alan Bradley and about a month ago I finished reading his Flavia de Luce series. I read all 10 books over several weeks, one right after another, transported to the 1950s and soaking in the mysteries. Flavia, a brilliant 11-year-old amateur scientist and sleuth, …
Creativebug Classes!
Hello my lovely friends! A while back, I mentioned that I filmed some classes for Creativebug, and hooray hooray! A couple of them are now up and available on the site. More will be added over the next few months. The newly added is class is from my first sewing book, Sewing Happiness, featuring the Triangle Eco Bag. I'm going to daringly say that this would be an excellent Mother's Day gift -- I have a bunch of these Triangle bags around the house and use them for various purposes. …
A simple offer can lead to so many things
Way back in 2014, back when sewing blogs felt a little different from the current vibe, I was approached by a marketing person at Tuttle Publishing about reviewing a couple of Japanese sewing books that had been freshly translated into English. I said yes, of course. As I was corresponding back and forth with the marketing person, I offhandedly mentioned that if they ever needed another translator, I was happy to help out. A single sentence in a short email. A few months later, an editor from …