Happy Friday + Randomness


Happy Friday! We had a superb Christmas filled with friends and family. K raked in some squeal-inducing gifts (the expression when she saw the gigantic Yamaha keyboard box with her name spelled out with red camo duct tape was pure gold: “Mommy! There’s a present for me that’s bigger than our couch!!”).


One of the things I really enjoyed on Christmas Eve was making miniature gingerbread houses that perch on the edge of mugs. I used Not Martha’s template and recipe recommendations, and though they were time-consuming all around, I was totally into it. I need to re-examine my priorities, as it was actually a little disconcerting how zealous I was about this. Also, I’ve said I don’t like to make the same thing over and over, but I realized that only applies to sewing. I could have made dozens of these (I ended up with 6 that didn’t fall apart). K jumped in to help too, wielding the icing bag recklessly. The icing got smudged in parts and I obviously need some training in the decorating department (K was far more expert than I was), but they are almost painfully adorable, no? We went to a fabulous Christmas gathering at our neighbors’ and the kids enjoyed the handmade peppermint cocoa with the mini gingerbread houses. Talk about a sugar rush.



And as I suspected, with all this celebrating and baking and gift-wrapping and giving, I had zero time or focus for sewing for myself. My poor dress is still lounging about in a semi-done state. I usually barrel through projects until completion, but despite the subtly shimmery fabric, this dress was starting to emit a stodgy uniform vibe, and my motivation flagged. It’s Vogue 8511 (I’m sewing the sleeveless version), and I’m shooting to get it done in the next couple of days.

So, I have quite a few things brewing behind the scenes over the next few weeks, and there’s a mighty good chance that postings will be on the haphazard side for a while. I love to post every weekday, so we’ll see. I will definitely be back on a regular schedule by about mid-to-late January, but in the meantime, I’ll most likely be popping around with what I hope to be fun posts every few days.


A friend showed me this linguistic quiz that determines your home city, and it’s uncanny how accurate it is. It’s US-based, but a world-wide version would be so fun!


M and I are going away for the weekend! We’re driving up to a little town about an hour outside of Seattle, and we’ll be staying in a charming little B&B. It’s our first ever overnight trip away from K, and it just shows what big softies we are that we’ve waited until she was seven-and-a-half for something like this. My intrepid mom will shoulder the responsibility of our coddled child, and I’m sure she’ll be peppered with the question, “When are they coming baaaaaaaaaaack??” every two minutes. And what’s even more embarrassing? We’re only going away for one night…

One more week this year
twenty-thirteen has zipped by
Twelve months of awesome*

*And you, my dear readers, made it extra awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Have a wonderful weekend, all!

Happy Friday + Randomness (+ Peppermint Cocoa Blocks)


Happy, happy Friday! How are you all faring in all the holiday madness? Perhaps you’d like to sit back and relax with some peppermint cocoa? We made a boatload of these to give out to classmates, teachers and friends. They are easy to whip up, but require some waiting time (12 hours for the cocoa blocks to set) so you do need to do some planning, but there’s still time before Christmas!

peppermint-cocoa-blocks2 peppermint-cocoa-blocks3

I used this ubiquitous recipe from King Arthur Flours, and these cocoa blocks are amazing. AMAZING. The blocks melt easily in milk and yield a creamy, rich cocoa with a hint of peppermint that makes me yearn for handknitted wool blankets and a crackling fire. I added a splash of vanilla extract, and sprinkled five broken candy canes on top of the mixture before it hardened, but otherwise, I followed the recipe exactly. The candy cane topping made cutting a little tricky, and I am unable to cut straight it seems, so these are oblique blocks. We sneakily kept quite a few for ourselves and it’s been a huge hit in our household.

I cut mine into approximately 1.5inch x 1.5 inch blocks and it’s more than enough for 8 to 12 ounces of milk, depending on how intense you want your cocoa to be. According to the comments/forums I checked, these should last a couple of weeks at room temperature in an airtight container and can be frozen if not used within that time frame. I seriously doubt they’ll remain uneaten that long though, especially because they’re so tasty as is.


I also cranked out a little instructions tag (pretty self explanatory, but always cute to include). It’s a penguin drinking hot cocoa! I made it a printable, if you decide to make the peppermint cocoa version and want to add a little festive touch. I made these late last night, so I didn’t get to photograph them in situ, but you get the idea. Now that I’m looking at this photo above, it would be fun to make tags with a nutcracker for a non-peppermint version…hmmm. Perhaps I’ll add that here later.




K: Mama, you’re so pretty and kind and smart — who wouldn’t want to be your daughter or son?

Me: …[suspiciously]what do you want?

K: [looking at me with big, bright eyes] Nothing! Okay, could I maybe have one more cocoa block?


Fellow craftistas
It is crunch time this weekend
O good luck, good luck!

Wishing you a merry, productive weekend, friends!


Pumpkin Banana Bread with Vanilla Bean Glaze


I keep forgetting that this is Thanksgiving week. Maybe it’s because I lost a week due to the flu, but I feel like my holiday circadian rhythm is all off. To rectify this, I figured baking with pumpkin puree would get me back on track.


But plain old pumpkin bread struck me as a little mundane, and pumpkin pie was more commitment than I was willing to pony up. Then I spotted the over-ripe bananas on the counter and immediately Googled “pumpkin banana bread”. This recipe sounded promising, so out came all the ingredients.


As it so happens, Trader Joe’s was having a big sale on vanilla beans so last week, I’d scooped a couple packages up at this hitherto unheard of price of $3.99 per pack of two. The recipe is very adamant about the vanilla bean glaze, and now that I’ve sampled the bread/cake, I have to agree. It adds a flourish of fancy visually, but also amps up the flavor of the pumpkin-banana blend. You definitely don’t want to skip the glaze (though I didn’t add a full tablespoon of the paste – more like a teaspoon).


The only change I made was to add 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt. I had three bananas which is what the recipe calls for, but somehow one disappeared while I went to go run an errand before tackling the baking – these disappearances happen a lot in our household. The yogurt was a good move, and the bread has a lovely texture that’s not exactly fluffy but not dense either. It tastes like holiday cheer to me, which was exactly what I needed. Delish.




Tea Party Treats (Two Very Good Recipes)


If I had a Native American name, it would be She-Who-Does-Not-Cease-To-Cough. No miracle bounce-back for me yet, but I am straining against my nature and resting a lot. The good news is that my appetite is back and I’m chowing down all the food groups and so far, they’re staying where they should.

Now that I can look at food again without gagging, I remembered that last week, K hosted a mini tea party for her best friend at our house. American Girl dolls included, naturally. I was their “servant” (“Server!” I kept correcting them, but in the end, is there really a difference?), so I was busy attending to the ladies and didn’t have much of a chance to snap photos but I got a few. I do wish I’d photographed how the whole thing looked altogether, but that’s the way things shake out these days. The idea of the party was heavily modeled after this place, where K had gone for a birthday party recently. Ah, the privileged life that my child leads…anyway, she enthusiastically wrote out the “menu” on our kitchen chalkboard wall as you see above.


We didn’t really gussy up the place too much, but did add a felt flower garland that I’d made many, many years ago for a birthday party. It’s held up surprisingly well, and it’s come in handy for these types of impromptu parties.


K has quite a few tea sets, but they get rarely used for some reason so they are in near-pristine condition. Not a chipped teacup nor sugar bowl to be seen.


I already had plans to make apple muffins, but K was insistent on brownies, so I thought it would be sweet to make brownie cookies. The open-faced sandwiches sat forlornly untouched, I should mention.

tea-party-treats6The star of the party ended up being the brownie cookies. The girls ate a worrying number of them, and I had to nix the Japanese candy and also surreptitiously put away the apple muffins. I think K just wanted to show off the cute tins of the candy, anyway. They’re a gift from my mom from her recent trip to Japan. The bigger one holds green tea, and the smaller one, candy.

So time to share the recipes! Both the muffins and cookies came out fantastic and were so easy to make.


I used this recipe for the apple muffins. For the topping, I simply used a little sprinkling of brown sugar instead of the butter-sugar-cinnamon mix.


As for the coin-sized brownie cookies, these were dangerously addictive! I used this recipe, but I took a chance and mixed it up my own way to save time. Luckily, they turned out perfect. I basically melted chocolate (I used chocolate chunks from Trader Joe’s) with the butter in the microwave, added the sugar, eggs, then the flour-baking-powder mixture. I scooped out small teaspoon fulls on to the baking sheet and baked for approximately 7 to 8 minutes. The result? Crackly and crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside, incredibly chocolate-y, with a hint of caramel. Sigh. I think I need to make some more now.

P.S. Still no sewing! I am bummed!!


Her Own Recipe


There’s only so much couch-sitting and reading a seven-year-old can handle, and during the many days K stayed home from her illness last week, she kept trying to come up with ways to entertain herself. Of course, I didn’t want to make staying home from school too fun for her, or I knew I would suffer the consequences.

One day she asked if we could bake something. “Sure,” I said, getting ready to look up recipes. “No, I want to make up my own recipe,” she stated firmly.


And so she did. She plucked out a couple of Hershey’s bars from her Halloween candy stash, commandeered the kitchen and assembled flour, eggs, sugar and baking powder. I guess she’s been observing me bake all these years. The only parts I helped with were melting the chocolate and butter, pouring the batter into the muffin tin and placing it in the oven, but basically I let her run free.


We made them into mini-muffins and you know what? They were good! I mean, really good. With just a hint of chocolate-y goodness, they were sweet without being sickly so, and baked to perfection.

I wish I had taken a photo of her “recipe” she had written on our chalkboard wall, complete with charming misspellings. I’m sure there will be more concoctions, though, so I’ll capture it next time…who knows, maybe K will be penning her own cookbook in a few short years…

Though I don’t have a specific set of ingredients for these little beauties that K created, I think these or these or these would be wonderful to bake.