Sewing for Me: Ikat Knit Tank

I’m trying to ease up the pace around here. I have a tendency to overdo things, and my inclination was to create a post with fourΒ tank tops using various ikat prints from my stash. I adore tribal motifs (especially in navy) and a collection of tank tops would have been lovely and thematic, but it also would have added unnecessary stress to get them all sewn/photographed/edited for this week. Stress is a four-letter word in our household. And really, who needs four ikat tank tops?

So I have just one ikat print tank for you today. This is an entirely self-drafted top, and I briefly mentioned its previous incarnation as M6241Β here, and at the time I thought it was a complete fail and that I had thrown it away. But lo and behold, there it was, crammed in the deepest part of my dresser and when I accidentally found it, I fell in love with the print all over again.

I scrutinized the horribly made asymmetrical top and realized that it was salvageable as a tank. I added the denim knit band since it was a little too short for my taste, and I’m really happy with the way it turned out. That band looks black, but it’s actually a dark blue.

I’ve been slathering on sunscreen and trying to avoid the sun, but I tan easily and I often get asked if I’m Hawaiian. Looking at these photos, this outfit looks a little Hawaiian, doesn’t it? Hmmm, this is a revelation.

Anyhow, we’ve already established that I have the crazies when it comes to sewing, and I made this the night before we left for Michigan. I’ve always been envious of the way so many Project Runway contestants talk about how, before they got on the show, they used to sew up outfits on the fly for an outing or whatever, and they made it seem so breezy-easy.

That’s not really the way it worked for me, since this innocent-looking tank top took a ridiculous amount of time to make; I sweated bullets as I cut into the ikat fabric, cursed the slipperiness of the rayon jersey and couldn’t believe that I was using precious time to sew when I should have been packing. To add insult to injury, there was a hole right below the back neckline that I didn’t notice until I completed the top. Fortunately, the print is busy enough so all it took was a little mending.

I love this top. It’s light and comfortable, and though depending on the angle I look like I have a pooch belly, I think it’s a nice shape. I’m going to count this one as a success. And it made the vacation wardrobe cut! I’ll show you all the items I took with me and will share some things I’ve been learning about sewing for myself soon. As for the other ikat print fabrics, I have bigger, better plans for them and I hope I can show you next week!

28 thoughts on “Sewing for Me: Ikat Knit Tank

    1. That band was a total aha moment. πŸ™‚ I was on the verge of scrapping it again when I realized the top was too short…thanks for your comment Niki!

  1. I love it! It’s definitely worth the late night hours you put into it! And can I say I’m envious of your tan…I don’t tan…at all!

    1. I actually wish I didn’t tan so quickly. It’s as though the sun finds me even when I’m in the shade and totally covered up – in the wintertime, I end up with really pronounced hyper pigmentation, which is not so pretty and I’ve always dreamed of having porcelain skin. I guess the grass is always greener πŸ™‚

  2. *ugh* THAT four letter word… don’t even get me started with my week!
    Me-me-me! I can use 4 ikat tanks!!! you did a fab job salvaging it to a tank and the band looks great. Look at you! Aloha! πŸ˜‰

    1. You know, I’ll probably end up with four ikat tanks knowing me πŸ™‚ thanks Venus, and hope the weekend is relaxing!!

  3. That last picture is just beautiful, Sanae – what a lovely smile you have:) Great salvage job with the tank – always feel good to save something from the black hole of oblivion. And I love your addition of the band along the bottom. I actually think the silhouette it creates is quite flattering, as it makes any ‘blousing” look intentional:)
    And glad that you were content to only sew one tank – sewing stress is never a pretty thing, at least in my house:)

  4. Very nice top Sanae! that Ikat print is lovely. Talking about challenging sewing projects! but you sort them out brilliantly. I’m agree with Teresa, beautiful tan! can I have a little bit? :D.

    1. Haha, you can take it all! When I lived in Japan, my relatives were horrified at how dark I was because they spent a lot of time and effort on their skin to get an almost translucent, pale look. Not that I want to look like that, but I have a feeling I’m going to be all leather-y while my 70-yr-old aunt still looks fabulous (she also wears leather pants – she’s super hip)

    1. Ikat is so beautiful, I really love it. I don’t see it in knit very often so I was happy to be able to get my paws on this fabric!

  5. This looks so great and summery on you! And that rayon jersey, man – I’ve sewn with that stuff before and it’s super frustrating. Looks really nice, though, and hooray for editing! Once I realized I could post just one garment in a blog post/flickr photo, it was a revelation. πŸ˜‰

    1. Thanks Kristin! This was probably the hardest rayon knit I’ve ever worked with! It curled and slipped and it was uncooperative in every way. But it feels divine to wear and yes, hooray for editing. It’s summer – time to take it easy πŸ™‚

  6. Ooh, self-drafted, look at you go! Love everything about it- you got a great fit. And you were gonna sew FOUR tanks for one post? Crazy, lady! πŸ˜‰

  7. Hi Sanae,
    first: you look absolutely stunning in the last picture of this post. Wow!!
    second: the tank is lovely, i’m in love with navy themed clothes, you know: blueandwhite stripes, chambray, natural linen, white shirts… and this ikat-prints feels like a sea breeze to me. It suits you very well btw. and i see: you’re wearing shorts, hooray!
    Best wishes from Germany

    1. Oh Marit, you’re too nice! I love navy and blues too and my fabric stash is full of the hue! I AM trying to wear more shorts to become more comfortable with my legs (though I did spare the internet from the glorious giant squashes :-))

  8. I would wear this all the time! It looks fabulous on you. I’ve saved a lot of my knit tops with bands on the bottom, it’s become one of my favorite finishes. And good for you for your restraint making one awesome tank instead of going for four. I’ve also had the sewing crazies recently and have been trying to take it easier. It’s hard but I’ve found it makes sewing (and life!) more enjoyable.

    1. Thanks Morgan! That band finish was really a life-saver – I’ll be using that a lot for sure :-). And yes, I think slow sewing is a VERY good thing.

  9. It’s been said, but I’m going to say it again: that last photo is absolutely gorgeous! and the top is pretty too πŸ™‚

    1. Oh, thanks so much Meg – I’m about to crack up in that last photo! Looking forward to KCW next week!

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