It's that time of the year when Frances of Miss Matatabi stocks her shop with the dreamiest, newest season of the Nani Iro fabric line designed by the one and only Naomi Ito. If you haven't already, do check out the interview Frances posted with Naomi's thoughtful and inspiring responses. It's my second year participating in Nani Iro Month, and the 2015 designs may be my favorite. I selected two to showcase, and the first one is called Free Way - hitoiki. Hitoiki, means a single breath, …
nani IRO month
nani IRO month: Mountain View Dress
Oh, how I love nani IRO....I was lucky enough to be included in the nani IRO month tour hosted by the finest purveyor of Japanese fabric herself, Frances of Miss Matatabi. I adore Frances. She's hilarious and sweet and the speediest shipper of beautiful textiles. If I lived in Tokyo, I know that we'd be hanging out together all the time, drinking matcha lattes and gushing over fabric. I look pretty intense up there, don't I? I feel like I should be holding a sword or some type of weapon. That …