Hello, hello! Long time, no blog…the last five months whisked by and I have no excuses for not updating at all. I’ve been focusing on “being in the moment” and have fully enjoyed immersing myself in spring/summer activities and projects!

Now that it’s September (my favorite month of the year), I’m feeling that usual surge of energy to get back into action. We did so much this summer: some traveling, a few camps for K, a ton of time with family and friends. And we got a kitten! I’ve become a full-on cat lady already and it’s only been three weeks.


I’d like to introduce you to Katara, the sweetest kitty I’ve ever known. Granted, I’ve not known many felines since this is the first time I’ve ever had a real, interactive pet — sadly, K’s frogs have been a dud in the cuddling department — and I guess I just don’t know a lot of cat owners. Katara was fascinated by the box of my advance book copies.

So!!!!! I won’t bore you with endless tales of Katara’s adorableness, because I wanted to share the exciting news that my newest book, BA-CHAN, THE NINJA GRANDMA is about to launch! September 18th, baby! It’s already available for pre-order on Amazon, and I’d be ever so grateful if you’d consider purchasing a copy! Did you know that pre-orders help enormously with book rankings and actually boost sales down the way because it’ll populate the “inspired by your browsing” section? Or at least, that’s my understanding. I might be wrong. And as usual, it’s been awesome working with my publisher, Sasquatch Books/Little Bigfoot!

Now, what makes this book extra special is that the main ninja grandma character is modeled after my very own mother:

There’s no doubt that she’s a bonafide ninja. To promote the book, I’ve got some fun activities in the works, but I just wanted to give a shout-out to my amazing mom on this day, September 6th, because it’s her 70th birthday. I feel tremendously fortunate to be her daughter, and I love that I was able to create a book that is going to be released during this big birthday month.

Happy Birthday, Mama. Thank you for being the best mom (and grandma) in the world.


I hope you’re all doing well, my friends! Keep a lookout for upcoming posts – I’m going to be blogging more regularly again!