Unusual Creatures


This is a leafy sea dragon. There really is such a thing! I got so excited when I saw it in a book I checked out from the library a few weeks ago – it’s the sort of unexpected, delightful and unnecessary information I gobble up.

I was pondering this lovely creature in the back of my mind, and then when I was running errands at a bookstore yesterday, I saw the same book in the bargain sales section. I’m not sure why, but I took it as a sign to paint the sea dragon. You can see that I took some creative liberty as the real leafy sea dragon is much leafier.

As I put this post together, I thought of how — if I weren’t in the know and was reading this — I might envision that these illustration posts come together quickly, without breaking a sweat. I might assume that I spend leisurely afternoons painting with a steaming mug of green tea and some homemade (healthier, quinoa-filled) sweet by my side, wearing one of my self-made loose maternity-esque tunics and gently contemplating my insecurities. And I might surmise that I’m generating a “body of work” from which I occasionally pluck a drawing to share. Free-floating and unusual, much like the leafy sea dragon.

The reality: After a day filled with prosaic tasks (scheduling car repairs, grocery shopping, helping out at K’s school), the clock strikes 6pm and in between chopping onions and potatoes for dinner, I quickly pull out my paints, brushes, paper and library book. Then K wails about needing help with homework so I beeline for her room. In the middle of deciphering elementary school math, I suddenly remember that I am boiling water and dash back to the kitchen. Crisis is averted so I return to my painting, spend two minutes painting the sea dragon body, then hear the wailing from K’s room again demanding to watch something on the ipad. I tell her to practice her piano or read a book and try to paint the leaves while jumping up every couple of minutes to sauté vegetables, waiting for M to come home.

Over the course of an hour, finally, I have a somewhat edible dinner, haphazardly completed homework, a grumpy child, one leafy sea dragon painting and an olive oil and paint-stained ratty sweater. The scanner is on the blitz and I have no natural light to take photos, but somehow, the scanner reboots and I get images loaded up, this text typed, and whew, we’re ready to sit down to eat. I think about painting another unusual creature after dinner or maybe squeezing in some sewing (it is KCW Spring after all) and decide that I need to reserve my energy for the tumult that is bath and bedtime.

Ah, so glamorous, no?

14 thoughts on “Unusual Creatures

      1. I have a thing for male animals that bear children or take care of offsprings like seahorses and penguins…so lovely! Thanks Ute! xoxo

  1. We have a similar bikini, the dictionary of ordinary extraordinary animals, but tragically I cannot get my daughter interested in it! Perhaps I ought to steal it back for myself.

    There are leafy sea dragons at the aquarium I think (or at least there were–way in the back room of the main building) if you feel like you need to see them in the flesh. But I think you’ve captured a nice likeness already.

    Your description of your evening sounds a lot like how creative work happens at my house, too. Except much of the time my projects seem to wind up half-finished, so kudos to you for closing the loop!

    1. Ha, I thought bikini was so funny, Sarah – I figured it out of course before I read your second comment, but I immediately thought of a swimsuit made out of a print with unusual creatures 🙂 And I haven’t seen the leafy sea dragon at the aquarium (LOVE the aquarium), but it sounds like they’re no longer there…oh well.

    1. It feels like most of my creations are cobbled together this way, Asmita! I’m making yet another poor showing with KCW — oh, the guilt!

  2. Beautiful animals! they are kind of magical. For your words I can imagine your hectic afternoon-evening, I’m impressed with your multitasking abilities. At the moment I barely can do two things at the same time and obviously I’m blaming the pregnancy :P, By the way love, love your drawing! I’m a marine biologist and sea creatures are one of my “Achilles heel”. x

    1. That’s right, I forgot that you’re a marine biologist! I’m deeply fascinated by sea creatures (and I’m painting a lot for my book!) and just think they’re incredibly interesting and often beautiful!

    1. Sometimes I feel like I would never make anything if I didn’t pounce on the in-between minutes of necessary life tasks. Of course, I also think I could probably benefit from focusing on one thing at a time, but I’ll dream on….

  3. Oh goodness, I needed to read this post right now. Thank you! This morning I was splitting my time between sewing a KCW project, checking on the sleeping baby, entertaining my 4 year old, and attempting to clean up the house a bit so that the fence estimator guy wouldn’t think we were complete slobs. I was feeling a bit crazy but it’s nice to know that others have the same experience! And the painting is quite lovely. A while back they had these at the Seattle Aquarium. My students (and I) were mesmerized. Sadly they were not there on subsequent trips and I heard they didn’t tolerate captivity well.

    1. Sad to hear the leafy sea dragons are no longer at the aquarium! You’ve got the multi-tasking down, Elizabeth! I’m barely holding on with one child, I don’t know how I’d function with multiple kids! 🙂

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