Happy Friday + Randomness


Happy Friday! Just a quick tolerations update: March was on the lackluster side. I accomplished the easiest possible tasks such as “Donate bags in car trunk to Goodwill”, “Eliminate K’s shoes that don’t fit” (which were in the bags in the trunk), “Organize pantry” (it’s a tiny pantry), “Clear off bedside tables” and “Move yellow art cabinet to basement”. I’m down from 75 tolerations to 70. Ah well, progress, right?


K’s take on dreams, which I love:

Mama, dreams are like games in a playfield in your mind. The great thing is you get to wake up when you have a bad one.


Also, yesterday K’s class went on a field trip to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation…

Me: How was the Gates Foundation, sweetie?

K: Awesome!! We learned about toilets*!

*Apparently, state-of-the-art, cutting edge and sustainable toilets are in the works for developing countries and that was the highlight for the second grade field trip. Those Gates Foundation people know their audience.


I’m keeping it short and sweet today – have a wonderful weekend, friends!

My weekend respite
will include quiet moments
to dream some good dreams


9 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

  1. Sanae, sometimes I feel like a big taker when it comes to your blog because I get these great insights from your blog but don’t often comment to tell you. So yes – tolerations! That has been huge for me. My husband and I talked a lot about it and it’s so true. We’ve been working hard at eliminating those everyday annoyances. It wasn’t always easy, but man, we are loving it now. One of my simple goals was to keep our kitchen counter – which was ending up as a catchall for the kids’ stuff – clean. Instead Dan found this really awesome wicker stair basket (he’s great like that!), so now if we have things that need to go upstairs they go there instead of the counter. It’s small, but makes an enormous difference. So thanks for being you – because you are awesome!

    1. Blushing over here! Thank you, Rachel, and so happy to hear that the tolerations concept is working for you. It’s great, isn’t it? It’s like dusting cobwebs in the mind!

    1. It’s definitely starting to get harder to tackle the list since I’m starting to run out of the really easy stuff, but I will persevere!! Thanks for the encouragement, Nienke!

  2. proogress with the tolerations on any level is still progress, Sanae! You’re making steps towards a shorter list!
    I hope that you are enjoying a weekend of quiet moments – the moments that refuel us!

    1. It turned out to be a little less restful than I’d hoped with some unexpected deadlines, but it was a good weekend. Hope you had a wonderful one, Lucinda!

    1. Do you remember your dreams, Asmita? I dream pretty much every night as well, but can never remember them. I also have developed a weird habit of waking up in a panic in the middle of the night, afraid that I hadn’t brushed my teeth. Very strange…and yep, my little girl is so very wise!

      1. Actually yes! And sometimes they are so vivid I have a heard time telling myself that it didn’t happen 🙂 But yeah, I do know all about the waking up in the middle of the night to think I haven’t dome something-something. Here’s to more happy dreams for both you and me!

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