Monday Outfit: Fanfare Jammies


Good morning! How was your weekend? Were you sewing frenetically for KCW? Me, not so much. I had all my sewing books out, I referenced what I said I was planning on making, and then I suddenly heard the background noise that I had been ignoring. It said, “Mama, mama, I want more jammies. No, underwear. Wait no, jammies!!”

So I made jammies. And that pose up there is so, “yo, homies –what up?”.


That’s it: one pair of pajamas for all of KCW week if you don’t count last Monday’s outfits. BUT. The fabric I used for the pants and applique is wonderful. It’s Rae’s Fanfare organic flannel (this one is “Bunting”). So soft, so easy to sew, so perfect for warm nightwear. And K loves her new jammies.


I mystify myself, and I decided to use a pants pattern from this book that included french seams for the outer leg seams. I don’t take the time to add french seams for my delicate silks, but for flannel? All over it. I’ve made these pants before here, and I liked that the pants rise is higher for more tummy coverage. I used elastic instead of drawstring, of course.

I’m a one trick pony with pajamas, and went the applique route again for the top like this one that K loves to death. As it’s the year of the horse (Happy belated Chinese New Year!), I guess my one-trick-pony-ness is okay. I used left over scraps to make little houses and clouds…or perhaps they’re smoke from the non-existent chimneys.


I didn’t have any minty aqua, grey (how is that possible?) or mustard knit, so I scrounged up some khaki jersey from my stash for the sleeve, waist and neck bands. Oh, the neckband! This is what happens when you get cocky and stop checking measurements because you assume you know how to do things. I cut my neckband too thin, and then tried to reinforce it with topstitching, only to totally stretch it out. Not glaringly obvious while K is moving around, tossing pillows and the like, but it ended up super wavy and I’m a little embarrassed about it. Oh well. The pattern is from this book, and I’ve made this so many times!


Still, the pajamas are cute, and very comfy. It serves its purpose and though a little more labor intensive than the other pair I made, well-worth it. Here’s K in her natural habitat (i.e. her room). I usually take these Monday outfit photos on my bed with all the bedding stripped because the light is prettiest there.


Not sure why the sole of her foot is so yellow. Hmmm. Anyway, I could have sewn more for KCW and had patterns traced, fabrics selected and all, but you know what? I got some good sleep, thoroughly cleaned half the house, and made edible food that wasn’t microwaved. I think taking it easy was the way to go. Now I better start thinking about more undies…






14 thoughts on “Monday Outfit: Fanfare Jammies

  1. The jammies are super cute and YAYYYY for kicking back a bit and getting stuff done like resting and cleaning. I’m all for keeping things easy and stress free and oh my you’ve had a busy month- so good you’re not trying to do more than is necessary! Plus, thinking of your upcoming *projects* must be more than enough right now. Hope you’re all better from the colds- I’m going to try the cold buster soup you posted from 101 cookbooks next time I catch a bug. Seems so many of us are on the cough and sneeze train this winter.

    1. Yes! Yay for kicking back, though I still seem to always be doing busywork – just my nature, I guess. I’m slowly recovering and (knock on wood), I think I’m almost 100%! Thanks, Gita!

  2. I want a pair of those jammies for myself! Nothing like cozy flannel in the dead of winter. Of course, it makes putting on real clothes in the morning that much harder:) Love that bunting fabric!
    Good for you for attending to other details of your life last week. The sewing will always be there, and sometimes it just feels good to clear some head space for other projects. Like creating a book, perhaps?:) Thanks for taking the time to post – always makes me smile to see K:)

    1. Oooh, you’re right. I should make grown-up sized flannel pjs! The fabric is divine and I wish I had more. Ah yes…the pressure is starting to build a bit, but it’s good. I need a little pressure to get going 🙂

    1. Aw, thanks Greta. I’m probably not a candidate for mom of the year since it did take me a long time to take notice that she was begging for jammies 😉

    1. I’ll take weather that doesn’t require flannel! It’s been freezing these days and we have multiple down blankets going on at night 🙂

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