Happy Friday + Randomness



Happy Friday! First of all, I’m still in a daze from all the amazing comments these past few days – I believe the world’s kindest, smartest and awesomest people read my blog. Thank you.

Secondly, the announcement of the Halloween-y Fabrics giveaway: random generator number #12, Niki! Congrats, and you should have received an email from me already. I loved the Walter White costume idea, though yes, I agree that it’s probably an eyebrow-raiser for a three-year-old.

Thank you also for all the owl costume recommendations. I’m inspired!


K has always exhibited signs of jokester tendencies, but now her prankishness has been confirmed. M had taken K to his office over the weekend when he had to deal with some work, and on Thursday he noticed that his whiteboard had some scrawls. It turned out to be a drawing of a shapely backside with the word “butt” written in K’s signature large block letters, an arrow pointing to his desk. I know we ought to reprimand her, but is it wrong that we find this ridiculously and utterly hilarious? And yes, it took him four days to notice.

This reminds me of when K was about three years old. The local Trader Joe’s cashiers loved her and would often give her tons of TJ stickers. One day, after a successful grocery trip complete with a roll of stickers, I dropped K off at preschool. A few hours later as I was getting ready to pick K up, a woman stopped me. “Excuse me, ma’am…you have something on your back,” she told me, suppressing a smile. K had covered my back with TJ stickers somehow, and I had walked around the city all day that way. Classic.


Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!

Have you played a prank
Or had one played upon you?
Ha ha ha ha ha 

10 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

  1. Thank you so much!!! I’m so excited to get hands on that fab Halloween fabric. My daughter will have some ideas for it, I’m sure. The battle still rages with my husband over whether my son will be a miniature meth kingpin or a pirate for Halloween.

    1. An exciting battle indeed! I’ll have the package out to you soon-ish, and I can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  2. Yes! We are awesome!! I firmly believe in surrounding yourself with people who nurture the good in you and I think this is what is happening on your blog.
    I wish K would play a prank on me, she is awesome, too! Have a nice weekend!

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