Chocolate Covered Marshmallows…an attempt

A while ago, we had some kiddos over and decided to make chocolate covered marshmallows. I had whipped up a batch of marshmallows the night before using this recipe. As a general rule, I don’t like store-bought marshmallows, but homemade ones? Divine. So fluffy and pillowy and cloud-like…

So when you let a bunch of kids including toddlers go to town with marshmallows and melted chocolate chips, above is what you get. I can practically hear the tut-tutting of food bloggers en masse. Probably not what you’d call appetizing, but boy were they yummy.

We stuck some skewers in and got gooey and sticky while eating them. As a rainy day activity with kids, it’s relatively easy and scrumptious (though getting them to stop eating was tricky). Cutting up the marshmallows got pretty messy for me, but that’s part of the fun, right? I let the kids sprinkle extra powdered sugar to help with the cutting, and it was a delicious way to spend an afternoon. And oh, the possibilities! Ghost shapes and Frankenmarshmallows for Halloween! Dipped in steamed milk! Stored in an air tight container for a late afternoon snack, curled up with a good book…Ah, it’s feeling like autumn…



6 thoughts on “Chocolate Covered Marshmallows…an attempt

    1. Chocolate covered pretzels sound yum! I’ve been on a big peanut butter-filled pretzels lately….so dangerous for the waistline, I tell you.

    1. Homemade marshmallows are about ten thousand times better than store-bought, don’t you think? I never liked them until I made them myself!

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