Sewing for Me: Navy Geometric Pattern Wrap Top

Well, friends, I’m afraid this wasn’t a rip-roaring success. Sewing for myself is turning out to be pretty challenging, and this was item number two that I attempted this week. The first was a stripey tee (again) that was strikingly similar to the one I made for K here in style, but for some reason, the larger size resulted in all sorts of mishaps and wasn’t salvageable.

So then I thought I would try this simple wrap top. The fabric has a wonderful drape and was a dream to sew. It’s from here, and I don’t know, I thought it would look like a cute Anthro-esque top, but as with so many of these styles on me, I think it whispers ‘hospital gown’. It also looks suspiciously like I have a bun in the oven (I do not). Not to go on and on, but I’m on the fence about these gathered cap sleeves too, which might be too girly for me.

I tend to look like I’m simmering with anger in pictures. Back when I was corporate, all my ID cards ended up with me glaring into the camera, and a friend commented once, “Wow, you look like you’re ready to kick some serious booty.” Fierce.


The pattern is from this book, which is an English translation of a Japanese sewing book for adult-sized clothing. This top is the one on the cover, and it’s the reason I bought it. In fact, I almost made it in a brown knit with cream polka dots but decided that it looked too much like the original and I wanted to try something different. According to the measurements, I was a large so I made a muslin, which was so enormous that it gave the impression I was ready to give birth to twins. So I made a medium, but it still feels off. I think it might have something to do with the darts.  I may need to learn how to do an FBA properly…

Aside from the usual fit issues that I have with sewing for myself, this was such an easy top to make! The nice part is that it’s a wrap top so there are no fiddly closures or zips to contend with and it’s somewhat adjustable.

I was listening to Alec Baldwin’s Here’s the Thing while sewing this, and it’s hilarious (definitely not kid-friendly though). He came to speak at my college when I was an undergrad, and I thought he was quite eloquent. Wow, that was so long ago.

And three cheers for K, who is turning out to be a natural photographer. She actually made me feel comfortable in front of the camera and I may slowly be getting over my phobia. If I keep going at this rate, pretty soon you’ll be seeing about a hundred images of me per post.

I think the real star of this outfit might be the shoes. Yes, I also have a shoe addiction.


39 thoughts on “Sewing for Me: Navy Geometric Pattern Wrap Top

  1. When I first saw the picture (before reading what you wrote) I thought it was such a perfect top and looked wonderful. I was suprised to read what you wrote. I didn’t think hospital gown or maternity top at all. I want to make one for me. And your shoes are beautiful.

    1. So kind, Christine – thank you! I think I was staring at that top for so long that I started nit-picking 🙂

      1. Yeah I’d agree with Christine – I think it’s super easy when we sew for ourselves to get overly critical when we would buy something off the sale rack at a store that would fit way worse, you know? That’s my biggest self-sewing challenge is self-forgiveness. haha. It really does look great on you from here!

        1. Thanks, Kristin! Haha, you’re totally right – I’ve worn some horrible fitting stuff just because I got it for a bargain! My goal is to figure out what really works with my shape, super fun and so challenging!

  2. Eh?! What?! Hospital gown?! I don’t see it… and usually empire waists does give that bun-in-the-oven look, but honestly, I don’t see that on you either. You look great and K’s photog skills are pretty good-I’m impressed!

    *drool* love your shoes.

    1. OK, clearly I have no idea what a hospital gown looks like from all the wonderful comments :-). As for the preggo-look, remember, I’m selecting photos that minimize the effect…

  3. I have to disagree with your assessment of this top — when I saw the picture my first thought was how much I liked it and how flattering it was on you! I have that Japanese sewing book also and have wondered how the patterns would work on “normal” women (i.e. not fashion models). Your version of this top confirms for me that it does indeed flatter a normal body, and now I definitely want to make it!

    I must also agree with the earlier comments that it does not make you look pregnant (and this is coming from someone who currently *does* have a bun in the oven, so I’m pretty knowledgeable on this point right now!). I really enjoy seeing the clothes you make for yourself, so please keep it up!

    1. Thank you Katie! You should definitely make this top! I like that there are multiple options and I should have gone with the “French sleeve” version…and it could be easily modified to accommodate a growing bump (saw your Washi by the way and it’s GORGEOUS).

  4. I love the top. I don’t think it looks hospital gown-ish at all. in fact when I opened the site and saw it I thought it looked great!
    I have done an FBA for the Washi dress I made (i’m a C cup) and it wasn’t that hard following a tutorial Rae linked to. Now my Washi looks great (although to reign in the pregnancy look I had to take out a few pleats (less fabric to poof) and make the dress in something really drapey. Great Job!

    1. I remember Rae mentioning that tutorial, Kristi! I need to check that out. I’m one size up from you, which is a little much for my 5’4″ body and this tends to make tops fit awkwardly. Thanks for the encouragement and I want to see your Washi!

  5. agree with all the above comments. i definitely do not see hospital gown (and i see A LOT of hospital gowns, so i would know!)– i like the print! this is a common complaint about empire waists, the faux-pregnancy thing, but i actually prefer the cut for its comfort on the midsection 🙂 how do you like that book? i’ve been eyeing it for a couple of years without committing. btw- those jeans look *really* good on you! tell us more about those shoes.

    1. Thanks Ashley! It IS nice that my middle section is safely hidden :-). The jeans are one of several ‘designer’ jeans I got from an illustration client as trade. They’re Joe’s brand and amazing. I’ve had them for seven years, and they fit better than ever! The shoes are Fidji, which are normally outrageously expensive but I got them at an end-of-summer sale for a song. I’m all about buying quality at bargain basement prices.

  6. ditto to all of the above. i think it looks great. the fabric is beautiful too, i can see why you wanted to use it. make yourself wear the top out a couple of times before you decide you don’t like it. sometimes it takes me a few wears to fall in love with something i’ve made myself because i’m usually so critical of my work. but once i decide i love it- i want to wear it everyday! (not that this happens with everything, no definitely not!)

    1. Good advice, Julia! I wore it all day today, and I have to say that it’s an incredibly comfortable top. I’m considering removing the sleeves though…I think that might increase the love factor 🙂

  7. I agree with the previous comments that this top is flattering as it is. However, removing the sleeves would give you a more narrow silhouette. But if you’re like me, you won’t where something you’re not really comfortable in.

    1. Totally agreed on the sleeves, Lauren, thank you! They do seem to stick out in an abrupt sort of way. I’m liking the top more and more 🙂

  8. Sanae I do like your new top! I think is very nice and i love that print. You don’t look at all pregnant 😛 you look very slim to me. I have been looking to buy that book!, what do you think of the outfits in it? should I have a go?…Hmmm, shoes….I can hear you! Love shoes, I hoard them too as well as fabric. Where did you buy those, they are gorgeous!

    1. Ooh, I love to be called slim, but again, I am a photo editor by trade (among many other trades) so I’ve made sure to select the least offensive images…I like the book though I wouldn’t make everything from it and I wasn’t as much of a fan of the styling as I am with Japanese kids sewing books. But there are a bunch of simple patterns that can be modified, which I like very much. I’ll have try a few more patterns before I can recommend it. 🙂

      The shoes are from this little shop in Queen Anne, Seattle a couple of years ago. They were on massive sale and I can’t find the same model online, but they are Fidji brand.

  9. those shoes, Sanae – tell us more!! what a perfect color, and I love the seam line down the front. I’m typically a “flats” kind of girl, but could make an exception for dreamy shoes like these:)
    As for your gorgeous – yes, gorgeous – top, you look fabulous! Nothing maternity about it! Your fabric choice is lovely, and I’m sure feels so comfortable to wear. I, too, am not partial to sleeve frills so that might be the only change I would make. I think the fit is great and you should totally wear it – with those jeans and shoes. Killer outfit!

    1. The great thing about the shoes is that not only are they super cute, they are remarkably comfortable. Like my crazy Cydwoq boots I’ve mentioned before, it was a fluke that I got these shoes on mega-sale because they ordinarily retail for some insane amount. I have good shoe karma.

      And like the shoes, this top is amazingly comfortable! It’s definitely growing on me….(but I still want to remove the sleeves)

  10. I don’t have impression of hospital gown when first I saw your top. I like it, Sanae!
    Appreciate very much if you can show more pages from that sewing book and is the fabric light-weight? I have wrap dress pattern by Machiko Kayaki that I haven’t made because don’t have suitable fabric. And your shoeeessss!! my mind is wandering again! :). Now I remember I have had similar shoes, I mean the shoes with front stitching lines. But mine was brown color, a casual and flat shoes. I left them in Singapore home :(. They are made from leather, aren’t they?

    1. That Machiko Kayaki pattern sounds interesting! I’ll make a few more things from the book and will also post pictures from the book, Yeka 🙂 And yep, my shoes are leather. Brown flats sound versatile and is very much my style – I’d wear them!

  11. I think it looks great! Like you, I would probably prefer it without the sleeves, but really it’s pefectly wearable (and not at all hospital-gownish) as is. What kind of fabric is it?

    1. Thank you, Marisa! It’s 100% cotton, but meant for apparel so the drape is beautiful. I’m not sure what brand it is since it’s not listed on the website, but it’s nice stuff (made in Italy!). It’s also 60 inches wide so I didn’t buy much of this (maybe a yard and a half?) and was able to make the top with some big scraps left over.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Mayda! It’s unanimous: it doesn’t look like a hospital gown 🙂

  12. Look at you! It didn’t take you long to look comfortable in front of the camera, I’d say 🙂 I always look angry in my shots, too!! Like someone just ate the last Oreo kind of angry. The shirt came out lovely, but I understand what you mean about the style sometimes having that maternity vibe. I especially love the last photo, and the shot from the back. Nice bum. Ha.

    1. Hi Monica! So funny, I still hate getting my picture taken, but it’s hard to take myself seriously when my little K is balancing on a chair with the camera on a tripod yelling, “Make a funny face, Mommy!” Also, I realized that not many people actually see these photos of me so that lessened the nervousness! My bum is flatter than a tortilla, but the miracle of expert pocket placement…

  13. dear Sanae,

    you are beautiful. i missed a lot around here
    and it made me so happy to catch up
    with your creativity as well as your honesty.
    and how amazing are those shoes?

    1. I’ve missed seeing your updates and gorgeous photos, Xenia! I hope you had a fabulous trip! Thank you for your sweet words.

  14. How funny! I just started sewing with the same book! Last weekend I made shorts from the drawstring pants (as a muslin) and amazingly they fit (with my , shall I say “muscular” behind, this is very unusual; pants never fit me!) and now I have one of the dresses cut out and hope to finish it this weekend. I like your top! And it is nice to see it in a different version. I am in love with the wrap dress/coat you can make from the same pattern as your top. I will defenitely try this. And good to be warned about the sizes! Have a nice long weekend!

    1. We are on the same wavelength, Ute! How smart to make shorts from the pants pattern. I love the wrap dress too, but went with the top to see what the fit issues would be (less time and fabric). I’ll definitely try the dress too!

  15. Hi Sanae,
    I silently follow your blog from some time and now I need to tell YOU LOOK GREAT IN THIS TOP!
    Also your fabric pick is wonderful.
    To be honest and critical, what I really don’t like in this outfit are the shoes.
    Those shoes are great for fall, wearing a skirt and mustard color tights : )
    For this outfit my favoriteCamper sandals would be great!

    Enjoy sunday : )

    1. Oh, those camper sandals are gorgeous! I want! They would totally make the outfit, Diana. Thank you for your lovely comment, and thank you for visiting regularly – I’m honored!

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