Happy Friday + Giveaway Winner + Randomness

Happy Friday! I am so pleased to announce the winner of the fabric giveaway…congrats #54: the lovely miss Cate!

She wrote, “My last holiday (and the first in about 10 years) was for 3 days in Melbourne alone with my husband. We left all our kids at home and walked and walked and walked around the city; talking, eating and doing a little fabric shopping. It was blissful.” Sounds blissful to me too! I discovered that Cate makes beautiful clothes and posts them here and I especially love her daughter’s fashion drawings. Cate, you should have gotten an email from me already, and I can’t wait to see what you make with the fabric.

I was so inspired by all the comments about traveling (so many! so wonderful!), I found myself gravitating towards this lovely canvas print that you see above. I can’t decide what to make…a short jacket for K? An insulated lunch bag (I’ve been wanting to make one of those for awhile now)? A pillow? What do you think? ย Here’s another shot of the fabric:


Talk of fairies is rampant around here lately – maybe because the tooth fairy’s been around our neck of the woods multiple times. I overheard this conversation between K and her friend a couple of days ago:

K: Have you seen Tinkerbell 2?

S: Nope.

K: SO good. You should watch it, it’s not baby at all. Teenagers watch it. SO GOOD.

S: Whoa! Hey, you’re like a fairy, K, how did you get so much magic??

K: Well…I was born with it.

S: Whoa….

I want to point out that S was utterly serious in her belief that K has magic. It is at once heart-warming and mystifying that she has convinced her friends of her magical abilities.

Which reminds me, there’s a fairy house that K and I made at a birthday party a few years ago, but it’s only recently that she’s taken an interest in it. I painted the fairy and the leaves, but K did everything else. I kind of love it.


Wishing you a superb weekend, friends! I have been sewing my little heart out, and I hope to be able to share the rest of the outfits next week. A haiku for you:

It’s been Kids Clothes Week
The hum of my Bernina
makes me feel content



15 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Giveaway Winner + Randomness

  1. So true, Venus! All kids are magic-holders – I suppose the mystery for me was how K seems to have made friends think she has more magic ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Make a Bag Pack for K. If I would have this fabric I would make a bagpack for my daughter and use it for our trips out of Canada. The age of innocence! I remember having lots of this moments when I was little, that’s why I always miss being a kid. Happy Weekend!

    1. Love that idea, Patty! And yes, kids have such an amazing worldview – I miss that sense of wonder and innocence too!

  3. This fabric makes me think in a phrase of Dr. Seuss book called Oh, the Places You’ll Go! โ€œOh the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.โ€. I would make a pillow, to place it where I can see it always and point where I want to go! Happy weekend!

    1. We have that book and it is much loved! I wonder if I can squeeze out a pillow, backpack, lunchbox AND an overnight bag from two yards? Might be possible…

  4. Yay!!!! thank you so much for your generosity Sanae!

    I think I’d make an overnight bag with that fabric, but I’m also a big fan of insulated lunch boxes, Virginia of Gingercake on etsy has a great pattern.

    1. Hooray, I’ll ship the package this weekend, Cate! An overnight bag is a great idea! And I have to check out that insulated lunch box pattern, thanks!

  5. A while ago I saw the cutest blog post about “fairy doors.” I can’t remember where but I thought it was a magical idea. You get a dollhouse door from a craft store and paint it, decorate it and then put it on the wall somewhere in your house as a little portal to “fairyland.” I’m quite taken with fairies, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Oh, I remember seeing one of those fairy doors on apartment therapy a while ago – what a fabulous idea, Liza Jane!

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