Fruit Smoothie

As a die-hard coffee drinker, sometimes I don’t get quite enough of the other kinds of healthier liquids into my system. To remedy that, I’ve been making smoothies lately.

I toss in whatever I have on hand – for this particular one, I used strawberries, frozen peaches, frozen blueberries, a banana, and a generous splash of coconut milk. On another occasion, I threw in some kale, which added pretty green flecks but no kale taste.

Do you make smoothies? Is there a combination you adore? When we lived in San Francisco, M used to get an apple-carrot-ginger-wheat grass juice at this small natural foods market in North Beach, and for some reason, that’s sounding really good to me right now…

Whenever I find pockets of spare time, I get into the rhythmic repetition of the following: iron, trace pattern, cut fabric, iron, sew, iron…loving it.

8 thoughts on “Fruit Smoothie

  1. that looks yum! If I’m having a green smoothie, I’ll put in baby spinach (but you could use any greens), banana, pineapple and coconut water. It’s really great. I’m looking forward to seeing what you sew this week!

  2. we are big smoothie drinkers, so i have a plethora of information! the vitamix has revolutionized our lives…you can really pulverize anything in it. i like baby spinach, banana, frozen berries, and some kind of orange. my husband does kale, carrot, beet, banana, frozen berries, almonds and dark chocolate chips. we both use almond milk and ground flax in all of them. if my sweet tooth is flaring up, i’ll do chocolate almond milk, bananas, dark chocolate chips and peanut butter…that’s dessert! one of my favorite recipes is great for fall and the holiday season (at my old cooking blog):

    …where’s the shark outfit?

    1. Thanks for all the great recommendations, Ashley. The dessert smoothie is sounding especially yummy :-). The shark outfit is coming! I’m modifying it a bit though..,

  3. we drink smoothies a couple mornings a week for breakfast, but typically they’re pretty fruity/sweet. I’m trying to convince my husband to shake it up a bit with some green smoothies but the kids have been resistant. A Vitamix has been on our wish list for a long time . . . perhaps some day:)

    1. I’ve heard amazing things about the Vitamix blender and would love one too! I’m really enjoying my new smoothie kick – let me know if you have some good green smoothie combos, Lucinda 🙂

  4. We love smoothies too!!! what a healthy drink. Although have been a couple of days without them, your post and pictures just reminded me how delicious they are!

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