Happy Friday + Giveaway Winner + Randomness

Happy Friday! Remember my giveaway? I have nothing against random number generators, but they lack a certain…charm. So with K’s assistance, I made a little raffle jar, and we have a winner! #25 was Liz, who recommended a knitting blog and a pottery blog. Love ’em! And I have loved each and every blog recommendation and am steadily making my way through getting acquainted with all of them. Thanks again for playing!


This week’s little exchange with K broke my heart a bit.

[Bedtime, right after reading a chapter from this book]

K: Mommy, do you know why I have a crush on [boy from her class]?

Me: [Pause] Why, honey?

K: He’s so fascinating.

Me: Huh. What’s fascinating about him?

K: [sounding very sleepy and starting to drift off] He asks the best questions…so interesting…he tells such great stories…

The girl’s got good taste. But she’s six!! Isn’t that a little early to have crushes?? Oh, my sweet little K, you’re growing up too fast…


The sewing swap — Robin‘s brainchild — was phenomenal. I was blown away by everyone’s outfits and can’t even tell you how much fun I had sewing for Meg‘s son (and daughter, by accident)! And the outfit Cherie made K…I’m speechless. She’s a rock star, that Cherie, and I feel so lucky that we’ll be able to treasure her handiwork!

Above are a few photos I took before sending out the package to Meg. Super fun!

Well, it’s been an exciting week for me and I hope you’ve had a good one as well. Have a lovely weekend, friends, and I’ll be back on Monday! Here’s my weekly haiku:

 Sewing swaps are fun
If I were to do it next
need a new serger*

*I know I keep blaming my serger, but really it’s all user error and I should totally own up to it and crack open the old manual…

20 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Giveaway Winner + Randomness

    1. So funny to just find out that you used to have the same kind I do: Brother 1034D. Anu wisely pointed out that I might need to just refresh my accessories, so I’ll give that a go! Have a wonderful weekend, Robin!

  1. I have to admit, having a good serger will change your life. I could sew an entire outfit just using the serger, but… I would have to read my manual. HA!

    1. I dream of a life-changing serger, Venus! What is it about manuals that make them so…unreadable? At least for me. They’re excellent for those insomnia-ridden nights though 🙂

  2. that hoodie! i die. your stuff was amazing, sanae. the swap was so much fun!! and at least K has good taste in crushes – telling interesting stories really is a great trait! 🙂

    1. Oh thanks, Gail! The patch was definitely a Tim Gunn “Make it work” moment! Yep, glad that K isn’t taken with just his looks but man….I thought I had a few more years before this started 🙂

  3. Having an average cheap serger works well too, if you remember that every so often you need to change the needles, serger knife blades, and add a dab of oil.

    Once it was acting up and it turned up to be a needle that had gotten a bit bent (couldn’t see it without taking it out though, it was a tiny bend at the very tip). Gosh, it ruined, or should I say hacked up two garments before I realized. Another time it was still not cooperating after changing both needles and cleaning the tension discs so I changed the knife blade. Wow, what a difference.
    So it might be that it just needs some new accessories 🙂

    1. Good call, Anu! I’ve had my serger for a few years, but it hasn’t been until late last year that I tentatively started using it and I’m betting that I just don’t know how to operate it correctly yet. I’ll order a new blade! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Katka! Sewing for boys is definitely out of my comfort zone so I was sweating bullets after I sent off the package. I’m just so impressed with all the participants’ creations!

  4. I just have a Brother 1134D overlock and still dreaming of life-changing serger too :). I saw everyone’s gifts on sewing swap, they are cool and well made! As for giveaway winner, I’m #24…So close!! 🙂 Ok, have a great weekend, Sanae.

    1. Thank you so much Yeka — and oh, you were very close for the giveaway! Don’t worry, my fabric purge is still going strong and I have more to giveaway!

  5. I love hearing K’s criteria for choosing a crush . . . may her clever discernment continue into her teenage years! My 9 yr old has had crushes for years – we have learned to smile, nod and realize the next week will be someone new.
    Your outfits for Elsie are AMAZING! I want to make that hoodie (which would then involve purchasing a new Japanese sewing book – aw shucks!:)! The patch is my favorite part, and I love your “make it work” moment. No mistake is ever wasted:) I think the clothes swap is probably the coolest idea I’ve heard – so much talent being shared. And thanks to everyone for sharing their creations with the rest of us!

    1. It’s a great hoodie pattern and I’ve actually cut one out for K already and am planning something a bit unique with it 🙂 Stay tuned!

  6. I just saw Meg’s post on these, and I love it! I think I need to go buy that raglan t pattern… You have impeccable boy style.

    And that little conversation…oh that made my own mama heart feel a little pang. I loved her wonderful reasoning, but it just hit home how fleeting the little girl stage is…

    1. Thanks so much!! The tee comes together so quickly, I love it. And yes, littleness is so very fleeting…

  7. Aww.. sweet, but yes, a little poignant too. I don’t know when one theoretically starts having crushes; I guess there’s no age limit on when one finds another person “fascinating” haha.. I do remember having a sort of crush thing when I was about 9, but I showed it by getting into fights with him lol.. it didn’t last long!

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