A quick pop-in and a change of heart towards knitting


Hello! I didn’t mean to stay away for 3 weeks, but life has a way of creating a vortex of activities that then turn into more activities…but enough with the excuses.


I am, in fact, still in retreat mode and haven’t really been online much. Instead, I’ve been spending more time making things and it’s been restorative. I have to say: knitters, I finally get it. After years and years of balking at the craft, citing inane things such as “I can’t seem to count!” or “I just don’t have the patience,” I thoroughly and utterly fell in love with it these past few weeks.

What am I making? I have no idea. I’m just knitting and purling and seeing where the stitches take me, but I find the process so profoundly meditative and calming (and so portable!), I keep reaching for this little project of mine whenever I have a few moments to spare. One of the surprising parts of publishing Sewing Happiness was meeting many women who came to my readings or emailed me telling me how familiar my story was, how they found healing through making things too. Most of them, I noticed, were knitters and so I became curious. I dug out two skeins of Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino in slate — yarn that I’ve been hoarding for roughly 8 years for a “special project someday”.

The actual project I’m working on is unremarkable, but I’m glad I finally used the yarn, and when I ran out, I added some cream-colored wool I got from Seattle Recreative, the craft thrift store and art center I’ve mentioned before. Knitting has been lovely and so very soothing, just what I’ve been needing.


My mom is in town right now, and it’s always such a treat. I don’t cook at all while she’s here because she whips up things like this in a nanosecond:


Yes, that’s a lot of sashimi. She makes every day a party.

I hope we don’t die of mercury poisoning, but oh, the sushi rolls we inhaled were divine.


Summer is ending and K starts fifth grade next week. I have some fun sewing to share soon, but as I said, I’m still in cocoon mode and can’t guarantee regular posting for some time yet. We are going away for a few days to one of the small islands nearby this afternoon, and I hope it’s rejuvenating. More soon. I miss you, but this time away has done me wonders.

P.S. Furoku members, #18 will be heading your way by the end of the week!


9 thoughts on “A quick pop-in and a change of heart towards knitting

  1. Oooh! Does your mom make her own tamago?! It looks sooooooo gooooooood!!

    I’m glad you’re getting your restorative time and knitting. I told a knitter friend of mine that I had started crocheting and she poo-poo-ed crocheting and told me to knit instead. Haven’t started, but I’m sure I will at some point (maybe twenty years from now?! talk about a vortex).

    1. Yes! My mom’s tamago-yaki is famous :-). I had a brief fling with crocheting amigurumi and little flowers, but I have to agree with your friend that knitting is somehow more satisfying, though I’m not knocking crocheting by any means :-). I hope you’re having a good time in the Bay area, Alana!

  2. It does my heart good to hear that your blogging break has been so restorative for you. And to add to the goodness, your mom is in town! I know how that’s always such a special time for the family, especially you and K. To not have to cook every night? That alone is the best gift ever:) Enjoy her visit and your time on the island.

    1. Thank you, Lucinda! It’s been wonderful having my mom with us. We’ve just spent a couple of days on Vashon Island and the slower pace was so, so good for all of us. 🙂

  3. Ah, I rediscovered my love of craft through knitting. I find it meditative, calming and productive – and very portable. I can do it while DD is at sports, or waiting at the doc, or in front of the TV or listening to a good book. The practice is fun and I have met many friends through knitting. I hope you enjoy it for many years to come.

    1. I hope I enjoy it for many years to come too, Karen! It’s the portability part that won me over for sure! I hope I’ll be able to decipher the knitting instructions at some point, but for now, my willy nilly method is working for me -).

  4. I knit a lot. I have lots of decent wearables now, but I think I knit socks for 10 years before branching out. Have a good prolongued blog break and enjoy the last bits of summery weather!

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