A rather big announcement…


It was a jubilant and triumphant weekend. After months and months of preparing, hoping, sketching, querying, refining and negotiating, I received a confirmation: I will be publishing two more books with Sasquatch Books!!!

In fact, behind the scenes, I’ve already been working on book #3 (those pesky deadlines), but until the countersigned contracts and advance check were in my nervous, sweaty palms, it felt like make-believe and not at all truly true. And this past Saturday, I had a very happy mail day indeed. Of course I’d told my most trusted circle of friends and family members a while ago when discussions started, but I seem to have a hard time convincing myself that these things will actually materialize.


This image above is a little segment of the proposal I assembled for the 2-book deal. We’re making Little Kunoichi into a series of sorts, and the next one will be released Fall of 2017. Followed by another book in the Fall of 2018. I’m beyond grateful, especially for my editor who champions the ideas that I toss out willy nilly like errant spaghetti noodles, crossing my fingers that something will stick. And I’m thankful for you! Without this blog space, and without the AMAZING Furoku membership (the most awesome of awesomest groups ever) which gives me the mental and financial buffer that powers me through…well, I shudder to think what I would be doing. Most likely flipping burgers. No shame in that, sure, but oh, the grease stains!

“It’s not luck anymore, is it?” a good friend asked me when I told her the joyous book news. I don’t know — I still think lady luck and timing have significant parts to play, but I do hope that I’ve become a little more assertive and persistent compared to my past self.

I started this blog on July 16, 2012, almost exactly four years ago. As I published that first post, I told myself that I would do everything that felt right and would stay open-minded. Sometimes, the things I did troubled and puzzled the people around me, particularly those closest to me. Sometimes, I felt alone and very lost and a bit coo coo for cocoa puffs. Sometimes, I couldn’t believe I got to live this remarkable life. And that last part…those moments are increasing slowly, slowly, slowly.

Whew. It’s been an eventful year already! I hope you’ll be patient with me as I figure out how to juggle the multiple projects I have going on in the background, and I am yearning for some extended sewing time, but I’m doing little bits when I can. I look forward to sharing some sewing with you eventually.

The purple bouquet at the very top was actually a gift from a friend at the Sewing Happiness launch party, but it made me think of the cover of Little Kunoichi — I was looking at the various meanings ascribed to the purple hue, and the ones that jumped out at me were: creativity, mystery and magic. Yep. It all feels like mysterious creative magic to me.

45 thoughts on “A rather big announcement…

    1. Thank you, Lynn! I can’t wait to see what I do either 😉 – I’m often surprised by what actually ends up as the finished product!

  1. That is wonderful! Congrats and you deserve it regardless of luck or moxie! (Maybe a bit of both.) so excited to see your next work.

  2. Congratulations, Sanae! Your natural talent is obvious but it’s also hard work that has propelled everything forward! Well done!

    1. Many thanks, Melissa! If nothing else, I’m proof that persistence works! There have been quite a few times when I thought it would be much better for me to give up and chalk everything up as a “nice try”, but I feel so so so lucky that I’ve had so much support to keep going.

    1. Thank you very much, Jenny! No matter how many times this happens, I still pinch myself in disbelief. I hate how corny it sounds, but it really is a dream come true — all of it.

  3. so exciting. congratulations! i’m so glad they see your talents for what they are–they are so wide and varied it amazes me.

    1. You are so wonderful, Sarah – thank you for your sweet words! I think everyone has widely varied talents, but I do feel grateful that I get to do things that feel so natural to me. I struggled so much with so many jobs, it’s a major relief.

    1. Thanks Anneke! By the way, the other day I was in a shop and found the same brand of chocolate that you gave me and immediately snapped it up. It is still the best chocolate I’ve ever tasted (and I’ve tasted a lot of chocolate!)

  4. That is SUCH great news! And as others have said, no surprise. You did the advance work, have been doing it a long time, and wow, what results!

    1. Couldn’t have done it without you, Annelieke! It IS very fascinating how long the book process takes, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s been pretty fast I think. I’m so excited!! Thank you!

  5. Congratulations! My kids loved Little Kunoichi (we read it often) and will be so happy to know there will be more! It’s one of my favorite books to read with them.

    1. Oh, reading that makes me so happy, Kelly! Thank you! I might love this second book in the “series” even more and the opportunity to add a lot more details is very thrilling for me :-).

  6. Congratulations Sanae! That’s so wonderful! I’m so pleased for you. And the bouquet is lovely – perfect for Sewing Happiness.
    Warmest wishes

    1. Thank you Miss Jenny (I always call you Miss Jenny in my mind)!! I’m so so appreciative that you’ve been part of my crazy expedition!

  7. Big congratulations!!! I should also mention that I am just getting into sewing happiness and I love the book! I am really into yhe unconventional sewing book format, but what do I know, I have never bought a sewing book before. I have been reading it and thoroughly enjoying it. I am about to dive into some projects too.

    1. I can’t believe you’re taking time out of your busy dissertation writing time to read Sewing Happiness — thank you, Max!! I’m also in awe that you’ve never bought a sewing book before – that quadruples how honored I feel! 🙂

  8. Wow! So much congratulations!! You deserve any and all opportunities that come your way (even the ones that are hard fought). Can’t wait to see the amazing books (as they are sure to be) when they come out.

    All the best on this incredible journey!!

    1. Cheers, my friend! Thank you for your general and all-around AWESOMENESS. You’re such a big source of inspiration for me, Miss Heather Lou!

  9. Huge congratulations, what fantastic news. My little boy loves little Konichi, we have to stop and count all the children arriving at school every time we read it! Can’t wait for the next one ?

    1. Thank you so much Kathryn! I continue to find all of this surreal in the most wonderful way! 🙂

    1. 🙂 I think you had asked me a while ago if there will be more books, and I’m so pleased to be able to say a definitive yes! This next one is going to be SO fun to paint, I can’t wait!

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