Happy Friday + Randomness



Happy Friday! I’ve been a bit obsessed with this new series of illustrations I created for the Art Walk at Drygoods (I’m typing this before the actual event so I don’t know if anyone will end up showing up, but just having the chance to participate was awesome. Thank you, Keli!). Over the years of experimenting with different kinds of illustrations, I’ve decided that painting anthropomorphic animals is at the top of the favorites list. I mean, a foxy seamstress, a wise quilter, a big-horned knitter and an elephant tailor — I want to keep adding to the series! Perhaps I can include spinning, weaving, scrapbooking, gardening…so many options! I will definitely be updating my etsy shop with these and more on that later.


On the Me-Made-May front, I’ve completely neglected taking photos, but I have been wearing something handmade every day. Here’s what I’ve donned to date:

Day 1: Gathered Linen TopIndigo Gingers

Day 2: Knit Tank Dress (not yet shared on the blog; it’s one of the prototypes I sewed for Sewing Happiness, which I wore to the Little K launch party last year. Below is a photo from when I first made the prototype a couple of years ago, and it was a sweltering, humid day when I shot this with a remote):


Day 3: Yozora Nani Iro Tank + Black Gingers

Day 4: Yoga Pants (also from my book and not yet shared on the blog)

Day 5: Skippy Dress


K got attacked by a swarm of mosquitos while playing frisbee in our front yard with friends the other night. Her legs look like something out of a horror movie, and she’s amplifying the effect with haphazardly applied gauze tape. Lucky for us, one of our neighbors and dearest friends is a dermatologist, so she happened to have some effective meds at the ready. We hope the bites will be all better before she heads out on her very first overnight trip without parents (meaning me and M — there will be an accompanying adult) this weekend. She’s going on a Portland extravaganza trip for her friend’s birthday and it sounds like it’s going to be all kinds of amazing. Portlanders, if you see a girl with mummy legs at Slappy Cakes, that’s K.


Quite a few events coming up! I’m off to go prepare, and I hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful weekend.

Lovely Mother’s Day
to all you Mamas out there
You are important

7 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

  1. That tank dress looks great and you are positively glistening in it 🙂
    I’m looking forward to seeing a real version of your book and I’m keen to share my pattern testing project too! Hope dry goods was fun

    1. Haha, “profusely sweating” is probably a better descriptor! Drygoods was excellent, and thank you for ordering my book, Shelley!! 🙂

  2. The paintings are awesome. Long ago a friend gave me a half apron that says “I’m foxy and crafty.” I like the idea of a little painting to go next to that in my art room.

    1. K had an amazing time in Portland! She said they checked out not one, but two great fountains, overloaded on sugar (donuts! pancakes! ice cream!) and had an all-round fabulous time. She keeps saying, “next time we go to Portland, I’ll show you…” 😉 Hope you’re doing well, Kristin!

  3. love all the blues in this post:)

    And a tad envious K gets to go to Portland . . .I hope she had a wonderful time! Her gift for you were just too precious.

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