Happy Friday + Randomness


Happy Friday! Have you checked out the Instagram hashtag #2016sve? Beautiful, beautiful stuff. Ute and I were joking that the sneak peeks make us want to steal all of the gifts for ourselves! We’re excited that quite a few of you opened an IG account to get into the spirit of sharing the progress. Be forewarned newbies, you’ll get hooked! The photos are pouring in, and I’ve tried to comment on as many as I can, but I’m a slowpoke when it comes to IG — how do you guys all stay on top of the zinging and zooming comments? To say a collective thank you and to marvel at the tantalizing show-and-tell, I’ve created a collage of the Instagram snaps so far.

It looks like so many of you have already shipped your gifts, and I’m in awe. Does no one procrastinate like I do? Wait, do as I say, not as I do. Remember to ship by February 7th if you’re shipping domestically (or to Switzerland — last year I was amazed that my package got to my partner early)!

I finally decided on the fabric and pattern for my partner; that’s always the part that takes me longest. I’m going to get it all done this weekend and off it goes. This year, I don’t have an international partner so it feels like I have ample time, but I better get moving! So looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Time to buckle down
Get the lovely gift sewn up
I hope she likes it…

Have a spectacular weekend, my friends!

3 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

    1. Thank you, Lucinda! So kind…now if my timing was impeccable, that would be a much appreciated thing. I’m close to finishing!

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