Happy Friday + Randomness


Happy Friday! When I first started reading sewing blogs, I kept running into the acronym “UFO” and puzzled over that. Those of you in the know are aware that it stands for “unfinished object” and has nothing to do with extraterrestrials. Until these last few weeks, I’ve rarely had UFOs. It drives me nuts to have half-done projects lying around so if I get as far as cutting out a pattern, I will do everything I can to finish it within the day.


However. With multiple exciting events occurring simultaneously, I’ve had not one or two or three…but six UFOs hovering reproachfully in the vicinity. I don’t know why I decided to cut out a bunch of the same patterns assembly line style, and clearly, this is not doing good things for my peace of mind. Luckily, in between various to-do items, I managed to complete this quintessentially Japanese linen dress this week. It’s a size 90cm from this book, and my friend’s little girl is going to look smashing in it. I’m afraid I wasn’t too imaginative and used a striped linen similar to the one in the book, but you can never go wrong with grey stripes, I say.


One down, five to go. It’s progress, at any rate, and I already feel much, much better!


I’ve recently discovered that K has been reading this blog (she cried when she read this post and rushed over to give me a soggy hug). I’ve now been instructed that all K quotes must go through a stringent editorial process, and I’m not allowed to post anything without her approval. The editor-in-chief is out of commission on a playdate so we’ll have to skip a quote this week.


Have a fabulous weekend, friends! It feels like the peak of summer these days here in Seattle, and I’m soaking in all the vitamin D (the doctor tells me I’m deficient, but then again, all Pacific Northwesterners are probably vitamin D deficient).

It’s the end of May
Getting giddy about June
Summer is coming

P.S. The She Wears The Pants Giveaway winners were Claire R. and Pola, congrats!

12 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

  1. That is the sweetest dress! Love the pleats and the buttons so much. When I was in Japan, the school children were going to school on public transportation–what a display of adorable uniforms!! I spoke about it to a Japanese professor and he told me that there were competitions for uniform designs and that mothers often chose their school by which uniforms were the cutest. Some of the tiniest girls wore navy blue pleated skirts with navy blue fancy brim hats. Swoon.

    1. I didn’t know you had spent time in Japan, Greta. How wonderful! I love the anecdote about mothers choosing schools based on uniforms (I have a feeling I would do the same). :-).

  2. I just ordered the Japanese sewing book! I have also ordered (in the past few weeks) the entire Benedict Society series (loved it), the beautiful flower book, the poems with the beautiful calligraphy, the tidy up book (cleaned up a lot of stuff reorganized my clothing) and the wise American book (I have not read that yet, though. You could change your entire blog to book reviews! Thank you so much.

    1. I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the books I feature! I’m such a huge lover of books, I could easily start a review blog!!

  3. Oh I don’t know what to gush more about – the dress or your daughter! Both I think. That’s so sweet K’s reaction to your blog post. She’s a sweetheart! And that dress – I want one for me! It’s gorgeous. Do you know if I can still buy that linen from somewhere? I am in need of stripes but it’s hard to find the right kind. That dress will be loved for many moons to come!

    Have a lovely weekend. We have a hot weather forecast up here!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! We’re having a heat wave too – it feels like full-blown summer! As for the linen fabric…I’m trying to remember where I got it from and I’m pretty sure it’s from District Fabric but they don’t ship their fabrics as far as I know. I believe Grey Line Linen sells striped linen and they’re on the affordable side, but a quick search didn’t yield anything totally similar. I’ll let you know if I hunt down a good online source!

  4. Now I want to translate the post that made your daughter cry, so that my daughter can read it too. I certainly agree with every word and it is beautifully written.

    1. Oh, thank you, Jessica! That choked me up when K told me how affected she was by what I wrote. xo

  5. Can’t go wrong with grey stripes, can’t go wrong with linen – therefore, stick with a tried and true formula! Beautiful dress that will be (hopefully!) much appreciated:)
    Love that K is now reading your blog. It will be interesting for her to get to know her mommy in a different way, as a person who is a mom AND so much more. Can you imagine if we had been able to experience that window into our own mother’s lives/thoughts? I would have loved that.
    Oh, and Michiganders are notoriously deficient in Vitamin D as well. My chiropractor advises taking it from fall to spring, and quite a high dosage (5000 IUI, I believe). I’m a pretty firm believer in it, and even make my kids take it!

    1. Gah, I need to be better about taking my Vitamin D supplements! I have a bottle and I just seem resistant to taking anything that looks even remotely like a pill…I’m curious to see how it affects K to read my blog too. It’s a weird thing. On the one hand I don’t want to censor myself, but on the other hand I’m not sure how much is too much, you know? Anyway, thanks Lucinda!

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