Happy Friday + Randomness


Happy Friday! To all our lovely SVE participants, how’s your planning going? I’m currently trying to get a few other projects wrapped up, but am looking forward to diving in to gift-making and have outsized ambitions to ship a package out before the end of next week. Will it happen? We shall see…

One of the projects I finally checked off was tidying our monstrous paperwork. It was a bear, I tell you, but oh-so-necessary since I had to hunt down info for health insurance and found the state of our paperwork woefully inadequate. I shredded and shredded copious amounts of documents and old statements that are no longer relevant, and I filled our huge recycling bin to the brim. The relief I feel is HUGE. Plus I found old 401K accounts that we’d completely forgotten about. Not much in there, sadly, but it was like discovering a tiny bit of treasure. Joy.

Slowly but surely, my mind is getting a little less cluttered as I clear away the physical detritus.


I made K a little hair accessory that she tried on yesterday. She turned to me and said, “Is it chic or so last week?”


Have a delightful weekend, everyone! I’m delving into non-bloggable sewing and major book stuff (I know I don’t talk about it much mainly because I feel awkward about it, but I’ve been quietly working on my second book behind the scenes and deadlines are nipping at my feet). I may have to be extremely sparse for the next few weeks, but you know how I like to stick to my schedule so I’m playing it by ear.

I’m purging away
Finding sparks of joy each day
Odd, but rewarding*

*I keep running into more and more people who have read and loved The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying — I’m totally drinking the Kool-Aid, so fun!

8 thoughts on “Happy Friday + Randomness

  1. Deadlines are I have some very complicated relationship…so this time I decided to do it fast. My SVE parcel was sent out yesterday. Pressure free.
    Looking forward to your second book. Go girl go!

    1. So impressive, Jing! You’ll have to share with me your non-procrastination techniques :-). The second book is coming along slooooooooooooooowly. Sigh. But thank you!

  2. My friend and I have both been tidying up–thanks to you, so add two more to your number. I was shocked to realize how many tee shirts can fit into a shoe box–if they are folded properly. Thank you for the tip! “Is it chic or so last week?” So funny!

    1. Glad to hear it, Greta! As you can tell, I’m pretty obsessed with the book. It just confirms what I’ve always known about these written treasures – they hold immense powers!

  3. This little book is changing my life! Such fun, too. Every tine I finish a task I feel as though I’ve lost pounds. My 92 year old father, who had nothing as a child, and now loves his nice things, is revisiting what it means to own them and carry them with him. We’ve talked a lot about this book. Why we need/want things. Why we keep them.
    We are in the middle of a kitchen renovation so I had to empty that room. Although I have few gadgets I was shocked at how many things were in that one space. I’m only putting half of it back. The rest goes to Goodwill.
    Pre-ordered your lovely book! Can not wait.:)

    1. I couldn’t agree more about the tidying book, Annelieke! Thank you so much for pre-ordering my book – I am so grateful!

  4. I always have a week’s holiday in late January, so I was away from the sewing machine. that meant a lightning fast decision to inflict some hand sewing (cross stitch for the first time!) on my poor valentine. I love a good deadline!
    Have you ever tried making paper? It’s a great fun activity to do with kids and all that shredded paper would be wonderful to use. Just don’t ruin the only jug blender you have by churning paper pulp for hours on end (been there) 🙂

    1. I would love to make paper! Do you think a food processor would work? Hmmmm…. I’m trying to get my Secret Valentine gift done in time to get it into international post – yikes!! 🙂

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