Not My Monday Outfit Post


Good morning! Today, I am completely and utterly cheating. I earmarked a pattern from the book I’ve been studiously sewing from, blocked out some time, and then things just went haywire. I could lay on the thick excuses, but I will spare you.

So what is this? This, my friends, is K’s all-time, deeper-than-ice-cream-love, favorite dress. Yes, my mom made it. But can you guess when she made it?


When K was five. It’s true, she’s been wearing this dress for three years. It’s gone through some battles, this dress. The skirt, as you can imagine, used to graze the floor and has torn multiple times, the stitching is barely hanging on around the neckline, the LP print flannel (flannel!!) has definitely seen better days. But there’s no sign of the love waning, and K will pull out this dress at least once a week.


On the one hand, it fills me with great joy that she’s so beholden to the quintessentially Ba-chan garment. On the other hand, I am starting to get angsty about all the clothes I’ve made for her that languish unworn in her closet and dresser.


I have some thoughts. And will share soon. For today, this is all I got. P.S. M contributed to the art direction by instructing her to sniff her armpits. Elevating the level of classiness, that’s what we do around here.

19 thoughts on “Not My Monday Outfit Post

  1. Having M around your house must just make life better, certainly more hilarious:) As well as the awesome modeling poses, I also love the green ribbon tied around her ankle. Love K’s style:)

  2. Oh, my oldest has a dress she has worn for almost 3 years- and my mother made it too! So funny… It does NOT fit her anymore, but she puts it on all the time! Like, I’m really going to let her leave the house in it??!! So funny.

    1. Isn’t it so interesting to see which outfits the kids get really attached to? I would never have guessed this dress would last this long!

  3. The clothes you make languish? How sad! Just concentrate on your own sewing for a while.

    I am tempted to say – send them over, my Iris is 8 and Stella is 3. Truth is, I really do get a lot of satisfaction from making them, and my daughters are getting interested in sewing and knitting too. It is probably a good thing for them to see me sweat and swear over the warped creations. And really, they are much less warped now.

    1. Ah, you hit the mark there, Max! For me, it’s all about the planning and making and I try not to worry too much about whether she wears them or not, but sometimes it strikes me that she wears the same thing over and over!

  4. You know, a few days ago I was making a dress or Miss VI, but she is between two sizes, then sometimes is difficult to choose the right size. I made the bodice to small and she asked me if she could have it. Me in the middle of my frustration said yes…and now she wants to wear this small bodice everywhere! no that I let her though. But why she chooses to wear a half made thing when she has beautiful full “mades” in her wardrobe?

  5. Sniffing armpits, because you can’t photograph a fart.

    Aaaaannnnddd, I’m one upping you on the classiness quotient.

    Loving your new schedule of posts and NEVER think you’re cheating. Your blog, your rules…your sanity!!

    1. Haha! So true! Even though I get to make up the rules, I’m a stickler for even my self-imposed rules and I try to showcase stuff I’ve labored over…but oh well!

  6. Heehe! Thanks for making me smile! What a fun dress. That’s so exciting to hear about the longevity of it. I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on lots of clothes not getting worn… 🙂

  7. Thanks for making me smile! i love those poses and the dress ist just something most kids would love, don’t you think?
    It reminds me of my both kids: we used to buy educational wooden toys around here: building blocks, wooden cars, wooden jigsaw and stuff. whenever they came around some of that awful, ugly, multicolored plastic toys, with lights and sounds and stuff they were ecstatic about it. I remember getting them out of the waitingroom at the childrens doctor was always tough. So much about our own choices and the childrens taste…. *lol*

  8. Giggling at the sniffing of the armpits. I am constantly amazed that men and women can even form relationships since we think so differently!!! My hubby would probably do something along the lines of “pretend you are kicking someone’s a##” or something like that. Lucky, lucky K to have such an awesome grandmother!!!

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