Nani IRO Water Window Wiksten


Riding high on the success of my nani IRO Mountain View dress, I threw myself into an idea I had for another gorgeous piece of nani IRO I got from Miss Matatabi. Yes, that is an exposed zipper. And no, it did not go well. In fact, I can’t even show you close-ups because pretty much everything went wrong with this top. This is, I believe, what is called a botch job.

But first, is this not the most soothing, neutralicious palette? I just can’t get enough of it. It’s called Water Window Wata Gauze and the soft washes of color lull me into a sense of meditative calm. Which is a good thing since the sewing was anything but calming.


I’m not sure why it went so south. It’s not like I haven’t made the Wiksten in a double gauze before. I love that navy top and wear it constantly. Yes, the wata gauze is definitely finicky and getting nice and even stitches was pretty challenging. That in and of itself wouldn’t bother me since I recently did a recon at a high end boutique to check out the sewing quality of clothes I could only fantasize about buying and you know what? The stitches were not perfect. There were crooked seams. Crooked! For a $200 tank top.


Surprisingly, the exposed zipper turned out to be the least problematic part. I was inspired by a racerback knit tank top that I have with a decorative yet functional exposed zipper and thought this light grey zip would add a little zing to the top. Convinced I was being clever by gathering the pieces above and below the zipper, I didn’t account for the neckline so it’s curved out like a half bowl, sure to tempt little kids to throw objects in there.

It’s a hot mess. The thing is, I kind of love it. Uneven shoulder widths and all. This is the type of fabric I want to live in during the summer months and I intend to do so. I figure it’ll shrink a bit in the wash so the neckline won’t be so wonky and really, after meticulously studying a ton of boutique clothing and getting a lot of “May I help you, ma’am?” paired with suspicious looks several times over, I’ve come to the conclusion thatΒ everything can be considered a design element. Gaping back necklines are fashion forward and hems should flounce for maximum stylishness (think peplum). It’s all good and the key is to wear it with confidence.


So this isn’t officially part of the nani IRO tour, but I did want to share this lovely fabric with you. It looks like Frances is all out of stock in this particular color way, but I see some others here. I have my eye on the canvas one with the greys. Wouldn’t that make such a cool jacket?

Please excuse the obvious lack of effort I put into this photoshoot – it was all I could do to put my hair in a bun and I couldn’t even be bothered to put on a swipe of lipgloss. We’re still a little out of sorts from our trip (though it was wonderful! There was biking and swimming and I read an entire book! And bawled my eyes out so my face still looks like a souffle!)…but hope to be back into the swing of things soon-ish.

26 thoughts on “Nani IRO Water Window Wiksten

  1. Oh the open zip and the fabric make this top so special. I totally ignored those minor faults you mentioned. You look great in it, even without the lip gloss πŸ™‚

  2. I had almost the same problems you had with my first Wiksten. I made the front neckline higher, fixed the shoulders because they were gaping…I mean I was having the same issues than you. But I’m impressed with this top you made, the fabric color is amazing, like you say: I could live in that kind of fabric all summer long.
    You did a fantastic job adding the zipper in the back, I love it!!! Oh, and the positive attitude is a plus!!!! You look very pretty with it.
    Happy tuesday!

    1. I agree that the scoop of the Wiksten seems a bit low, Patty! I don’t mind it so much since I tend to look too buxom with higher necklines (though I have to be careful not to go too low). And yes, I should adjust the shoulders a bit too…thank you!

  3. I really like this on you. The fabric is so soft and gentle looking- very Zen like! It suits you. The zip idea is good too- I never would have thought of that.I have been thinking of buying this pattern, though only seen it a few times. Would yiy recommend it? Did you buy paper pattern or download? I need to learn how to do adjustments though.

    1. Thank you, Linda! I love the zip on my knit tank because it’s so unexpected, and now I love it on my nani IRO! I recommend the Wiksten, though I know that there’s a pattern by Grainline (the Tiny Pocket Tank) that looks really cute too. I got the download for the Wiksten, which is significantly cheaper and assembling it wasn’t too bad (I’m not a fan of PDF patterns).

    1. Gah! Did that book just gut you and leave you eviscerated? I went through almost an entire box of tissues and M was worried that I was having some kind of mental breakdown πŸ™‚

  4. I love that you experimented with the zipper on the back! At first thought it was just shirred fabric, which would have been pretty too, but the zipper is really fun!

    1. Thanks, Sara! I think it would have been even cooler with a metal zipper, but I didn’t have one that worked as well color-wise.

  5. Oh, I am all about flouncy hems since I made my staple dress in a very uncooperative linen blend! Totally stylish. And yes, one has to wear it with confidence! I love your top! And boy have I resisted buying this fabric, kind of glad it is sold out πŸ˜‰ I am sure with a moving body in it, the top looks just fine and nobody will notice anything. You should make an experiment with us: just show us a garment and NOT tell us about what went wrong and see if anybody notices πŸ™‚ The zipper is so cool – so extra points for that! Thanks for the book tip, I need some summer reading!

    1. Flouncy hems are all the rage! Ha, and you’re right, for once I should shut about all the mistakes — it’s a problem of mine πŸ˜‰ I highly recommend the book, Ute, but be prepared to get emotional!

  6. I think flouncy hems ARE in this year! I would totally pay $200 (if i were going to pay $200 for anything that is) for this top, such a cool idea.

    1. Oh good! At least I’m on trend, which rarely happens πŸ™‚ I couldn’t believe how much they were charging for the clothes at the boutique and though they were beautiful, the construction was SO simple, I found myself reeling from the realization that I could easily reproduce them! Thanks, Kristi!

  7. The flared neckline and hems as well as the unexpected zipper give this top a cool casual carefree look. If you didn’t point the flaring as problems, they look like creative style elements as they repeat on the top and bottom of the garment. Fortunate “mistakes” I say!

    1. Excellent! I love it when my mistakes can pass for intentional. And it’s definitely casual. I actually think that because I was rather lackadaisical with the sewing of this top, I’m not as intimidated about wearing it. Nani Iro is precious, so I’m inclined to save it for special occasions…

  8. Mistakes and all, I am still pretty impressed. And I liked the photo shoot very much πŸ™‚ I was wondering…is there is a good tutorial for exposed zipper, and if not (or even if) would you please please (please) do a tutorial for it?You seem so good at it (and I want to use the black zipper that you sent as a part of the SS exchange…)

    1. I pretty much winged the exposed zipper on this one, and would be happy to do a tutorial, Asmita! I’ll also scout around for some resources to include because I’m sure other people do it way more properly than I do!

  9. It is really nice fabric! Thanks for bringing it to life for us. It didn’t appeal to me without you in it, but now I think it is the best colourway.

    It sounds like those boutiques you went into really are not up to scratch!

    1. Oh, thanks Max! I think photos don’t do the fabric justice. It’s amazingly soft and the colors are saturated yet muted at the same time if that makes any sense. They really look like ethereal watercolors…

      As for the boutique, they carry amazing labels like Isabel Marant, Rebecca Taylor and other lesser known but beautiful New York brands like Matta and NSF, but in almost all cases, I could see the human touch and less than perfect stitches. It was reassuring, actually πŸ™‚

  10. Oh, I’m all about the natural look:). You are far too hard on yourself- this top looks quite pretty. And perhaps a turn thru the dryer will fix some of the waviness? Even if it doesn’t, please don’t stop from wearing it!
    And about that book, the one that I literally could not put down and then told my friends to read, so glad you enjoyed it! Well, is “enjoyed” the correct term? Pretty intense and I’m a bit nervous to see the movie in case it doesn’t do the book justice.

    1. Thanks, Lucinda! I have high hopes for this top, and I’m sure it’ll make regular appearances throughout summer πŸ™‚ And that book! I’m nervous about seeing the movie too, though I read that John Green really loves the movie adaptation, so that’s encouraging πŸ™‚

    1. The Wiksten does seem to have polarizing opinions – I think I need to make a few tweaks to really make it shine. Thanks, Brienne!

    1. I love GBSB!!!!! Thanks for the link, Greta – I’ve been having trouble finding some of the episodes so now I can dig in. Awesome!

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