Glitter and Sparkle


Good morning! I have a well-oiled and thrumming sweatshop raging in my “atelier” (aka bedroom), but it’s all been book-related so I’ve not sewn much for K. And when my mom brought her a suitcase full of animal print clothing and all that sparkles and glitters…well, my sewing motivation for K faded a little more.

But isn’t that image above pretty spectacular? Not my usual simple and light vibe, but I love the dramatic effect. The light is reflecting off of an extremely bling-y sequined dress that was part of the Ba-chan haul, and we had a fun impromptu photo moment. She’s ablaze!

I’m still scrambling to get everything wrapped up for book #2, but wanted to pop in to say hello, and I miss updating here.

A lot has been happening these past couple of weeks: good-bye parties, birthdays, book readings, photo shoots, adventures with Ba-chan…but with my usual Alzheimer-esque tendencies, they’re all starting to blur in my mind. It’s one of the reasons I love maintaining a blog because otherwise I would forget everything that happens!

Back to work for now, and be back Wednesday with more updates.

P.S. Furoku #5 has gone out…I have been thinking long and hard about this venture and will be sending a follow-up email about it.



8 thoughts on “Glitter and Sparkle

  1. Welcome back!! K looks like sparkling magic. Another one of your great ideas. I enjoyed the interview with Imaginegnats and the drawings are so beautiful. Thank you.

    1. Hi Greta! It’s nice to update the blog, even if it’s just with a quick post :-). So happy to hear you enjoyed the latest Furoku!

  2. That is a fantastic photo! BaChan has def trumped anything you can make (assuming you couldn’t be stuffed sewing sequins, I couldn’t) in the near future. Enjoy having the pressure off!
    That loose tooth at our house is doggedly hanging in there and refusing to play…..

    1. Sequin-sewing is definitely not in my wheelhouse, Shelley! And those wiggly teeth can be stubborn – K loved to elicit “eeeeew”s from me by tugging and pulling her loose tooth. She may have been disappointed when they finally came out :-).

  3. so good to catch a glimpse of you today in your writing – and of K in her golden glory! Such a stunning photo! Sometimes sequins do have their place:)
    wishing you the best of luck with the book! so excited as anticipation builds . . . 🙂

    1. I just submitted my edited manuscript, Lucinda, so I’m feeling quite relieved!! Now onto the next phase of photo editing and illustrations…

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